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Barber, Christie, Mio Bryce, and Jason Davis. "The Making of Killer Cuties." Anime and Philosophy. Wide Eyed Wonder. Eds. Josef Steiff and Tristan D. Tamplin. Popular Culture and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court, 2010. 13–25.   
Added by: joachim 7/26/11, 5:30 PM
Bryce, Mio. "Another Half and/or Another Individual: Representation of Twins in Manga." International Journal of the Humanities 5. (2008): 143–52.   
Added by: joachim 8/29/11, 1:25 AM
Bryce, Mio, et al. "Manga and Anime: Fluidity and Hybridity in Global Imagery." electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies 2010. Accessed 28Feb. 2011. <http://www.japanesestud ... rticles/2010/Bryce.html>.   
Added by: joachim 2/28/11, 2:16 PM
Bryce, Mio, Jason Davis, and Christie Barber. "The Cultural Biographies and Social Lives of Manga: Lessons from the Mangaverse." Scan. Journal of media arts culture 5. 2 2008. Accessed 1Oct. 2009. < ... play.php?journal_id=114>.   
Added by: joachim 5/4/13, 11:19 AM
Bryce, Mio and Jason Davis. "An Overview of Manga Genres." Manga. An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives. Ed. Toni Johnson-Woods. London, New York: Continuum, 2010. 34–61.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/10/10, 2:44 PM
Bryce, Mio. "A Look at Hikawa Kyōko's Kanata kara." Manga. An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives. Ed. Toni Johnson-Woods. London, New York: Continuum, 2010. 137–56.   
Added by: joachim 4/10/10, 9:39 AM
Stephens, John and Mio Bryce. "‘Nothing Dirty about Turning on a Machine’: Loving Your Mechanoid in Contemporary Manga." Papers 14. (2004): 44–54.   
Added by: joachim 6/7/20, 11:11 AM
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