Bonn Online Bibliography of Comics Research

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Objective: The Bonn Online Bibliography of Comics Research (BOBC) is an international bibliographic database for scholarly literature about comics, graphic novels, manga and related fields. Not included so far (with a few exceptions) are articles from fan magazines, newspapers and blogs.

Usage: A click on the title shows more details of the individual references. Selected titles (ONLY the titles, of course not the texts themselves!) can be downloaded in various export formats (RTF, RIS, BibTeX, XML, …) for further use in your own documents or bibliographic software using the basket. Various standard bibliographic formats (MLA, APA etc.) can be selected in the preferences. Registered users can enter new references of their own, add private or public comments and excerpts to the entries, and create individual bibliographies. Authors can provide their texts for download as PDFs. Indications of errors or missing titles and supplementary information, especially in form of abstracts and short critical reviews, are always welcome!

Project manager: Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz, Dept. of German, Comparative Literature, and Cultural Studies, University of Bonn, Germany



Sponsored by Gesellschaft für Comicforschung


Recent additions or edits (WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

Koch, Angela, et al., eds. NS-Geschichte im Comic: Lebensgeschichten • Erinnerungsorte • Perspektivenwechsel. Wien: bahoe books, 2024.  
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/7/25, 5:19 PM
Bongers, Helene L. "Killing the Colorist? Künstlerische Arbeitsteilung im Produktionsprozess von Batman: The Killing Joke." Closure 9 2023. Accessed 5Mar. 2025. <>.  
Added by: Leonie Katharina Göbel   Last edited by: joachim 2/5/25, 8:18 PM
Krüger-Fürhoff, Irmela Marei. "Entfaltungen: Alternde Körper im Comic." Closure 7.5 2021. Accessed 5Jul. 2025. <https://www.closure.uni ... osure7.5/krüger-fürhoff>.  
Added by: Leonie Katharina Göbel   Last edited by: joachim 2/5/25, 7:52 PM
Groensteen, Thierry. "Quasi-Figuren: Im Grenzbereich der Körperlichkeit." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 8. (2021): 113–28.  
Added by: Jana Schuster 2/5/25, 3:11 PM
Schröer, Marie. "Ebenbilder und Fremdkörper." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 7.5. (2021): 146–62.  
Added by: Leonie Katharina Göbel 2/5/25, 3:09 PM
Schmidt, Nina. "Die Breitbeinigen: Aufklärungsmodi und Körperpolitiken in deutschsprachigen feministischen Comics." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 7.5. (2021): 119–45.  
Added by: Leonie Katharina Göbel 2/5/25, 3:06 PM
Picado, Benjamim, João Senna, and Greice Schneider. "Comics, Non-Narrativity, Non-Eventfulness: Three Examples From Brazil." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 8. (2021): 99–112.  
Added by: Jana Schuster 2/5/25, 3:04 PM
Sina, Véronique. "Comic, Körper und die Kategorie Gender: Geschlechtlich codierte Visualisierungsmechanismen im Superheld_innen-Genre." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 7.5. (2021): 31–53.  
Added by: Leonie Katharina Göbel 2/5/25, 3:03 PM
Wrobel, Jasmin. "Körper/Blicke und Selbst(be)zeichnungen bei Pagu, Laerte und Powerpaola." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 7.5. (2021): 79–96.  
Added by: Leonie Katharina Göbel 2/5/25, 3:00 PM
Hindrichsen, Lorenz A. "Beyond the Chronotope: De-Narrativization in Graphic Trauma Narratives (1980–2018)." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 8. (2021): 79–98.  
Added by: Jana Schuster 2/5/25, 2:58 PM
WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 14752 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: Modern Language Association (MLA)