Statistics - Collections

International Journal of Comic Art
  703 (4.8%)
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
  258 (1.8%)
Journal of Popular Culture
  188 (1.3%)
  159 (1.1%)
Studies in Comics
  146 (1%)
Deutsche Comicforschung
  144 (1%)
European Comic Art
  112 (0.8%)
Image [&] Narrative
  74 (0.5%)
  56 (0.4%)
  53 (0.4%)
Comic Jahrbuch
  52 (0.4%)
  50 (0.3%)
The Comics Journal
  47 (0.3%)
Comics Anno
  42 (0.3%)
The Comics Grid
  41 (0.3%)
The Comics Journal
  38 (0.3%)
Comics Forum
  37 (0.3%)
Teaching the Graphic Novel
  35 (0.2%)
The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel
  35 (0.2%)
The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One
  35 (0.2%)
The Best American Comics Criticism
  34 (0.2%)
Mythe et bande dessinée
  32 (0.2%)
  31 (0.2%)
The Graphic Novel
  30 (0.2%)
Graphic Subjects. Critical Essays on Autobiography and Graphic Novels
  28 (0.2%)
Arguing Comics. Literary Masters on a Popular Medium
  27 (0.2%)
Transformative Works and Cultures
  27 (0.2%)
Boken om serier
  26 (0.2%)
  26 (0.2%)
Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus in Comics
  26 (0.2%)
Das Science Fiction Jahr
  25 (0.2%)
PS: Political Science and Politics
  25 (0.2%)
Studies in Popular Culture
  25 (0.2%)
Der dokumentarische Comic. Reportage und Biografie
  24 (0.2%)
Theorien des Comics. Ein Reader
  24 (0.2%)
Comics as a Nexus of Cultures. Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines and International Perspectives
  23 (0.2%)
Serials Review
  23 (0.2%)
Web-Spinning Heroics. Critical Essays on the History and Meaning of Spider-Man
  23 (0.2%)
Anime and Philosophy. Wide Eyed Wonder
  22 (0.1%)
Comic Almanach
  22 (0.1%)
Comics Studies Here and Now
  22 (0.1%)
Critical Approaches to Comics and Graphic Novels. Theories and Methods
  22 (0.1%)
Ga-netchū! Das Manga Anime Syndrom
  22 (0.1%)
Ga-netchū! The Manga Anime Syndrome
  22 (0.1%)
Graphic Novels for Children and Young Adults. A Collection of Critical Essays
  22 (0.1%)
Indy Magazine
  22 (0.1%)
Journal of Medical Humanities
  22 (0.1%)
  22 (0.1%)
Le Débat
  22 (0.1%)
Cartooning in Latin America
  21 (0.1%)
Comics & Politik. Comics & Politics
  21 (0.1%)
Graven Images. Religion in Comic Books & Graphic Novels
  21 (0.1%)
A Comics Studies Reader
  20 (0.1%)
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
  20 (0.1%)
Batman and Philosophy. The Dark Knight of the Soul
  20 (0.1%)
Comics Worlds and the World of Comics. Towards Scholarship on a Global Scale
  20 (0.1%)
Geschichte im Comic. Befunde – Theorien – Erzählweisen
  20 (0.1%)
Manga. An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives
  20 (0.1%)
  20 (0.1%)
Scan. Journal of media arts culture
  20 (0.1%)
  20 (0.1%)
Visual Arts Research
  20 (0.1%)
Captain America and the Struggle of the Superhero. Critical Essays
  19 (0.1%)
Cinema Journal
  19 (0.1%)
  19 (0.1%)
Graphisches Erzählen. Neue Perspektiven auf Literaturcomics
  19 (0.1%)
  19 (0.1%)
Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art
  19 (0.1%)
  19 (0.1%)
Superheroes and Philosophy. Truth, Justice, and the Socratic Way
  19 (0.1%)
The Ages of Wonder Woman. Essays on the Amazon Princess in Changing Times.
  19 (0.1%)
Visualizing Jewish Narrative. Jewish Comics and Graphic Novels
  19 (0.1%)
Batman Unauthorized. Vigilantes, Jokers, and Heroes in Gotham City
  18 (0.1%)
Class, Please Open Your Comics. Essays on Teaching with Graphic Narratives
  18 (0.1%)
Comics und Graphic Novels. Eine Einführung
  18 (0.1%)
Journal of American Culture
  18 (0.1%)
Modern Fiction Studies
  18 (0.1%)
Reading Comics. How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean
  18 (0.1%)
SANE journal
  18 (0.1%)
Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes
  18 (0.1%)
  18 (0.1%)
The Ages of Superman. Essays on the Man of Steel in Changing Times
  18 (0.1%)
Tintin, Hergé et la «Belgité»
  18 (0.1%)
Word & Image
  18 (0.1%)
American Literature
  17 (0.1%)
Erzählen im Comic. Beiträge zur Comicforschung
  17 (0.1%)
Lexikon der Comics
  17 (0.1%)
  17 (0.1%)
Screen Education
  17 (0.1%)
The Ages of the Justice League. Essays on America’s Greatest Superheroes in Changing Times
  17 (0.1%)
The Funnies. An American Idiom
  17 (0.1%)
The New Comics. Interviews from the pages of The Comics Journal
  17 (0.1%)
Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads
  17 (0.1%)
Weltentwürfe im Comic/film. Mensch, Gesellschaft, Religion
  17 (0.1%)
X-Men and Philosophy. Astonishing Insight and Uncanny Argument in the Mutant X-Verse
  17 (0.1%)
  16 (0.1%)
Bilderwelten – Textwelten – Comicwelten. Romanistische Begegnungen mit der Neunten Kunst
  16 (0.1%)
Comic Books and American Cultural History. An Anthology
  16 (0.1%)
Comics and the City. Urban Space in Print, Picture and Sequence
  16 (0.1%)
  16 (0.1%)
From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative
  16 (0.1%)
Outlaws, Rebels, Freethinkers & Pirates. Essays on Cartoons and Cartoonists
  16 (0.1%)
  16 (0.1%)
The Comics of Chris Ware. Drawing is a Way of Thinking
  16 (0.1%)
The Jewish Graphic Novel. Critical Approaches
  16 (0.1%)
The Psychology of Superheroes. An Unauthorized Exploration
  16 (0.1%)
The Rise of the American Comics Artist. Creators and Contexts
  16 (0.1%)
Assembling the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Essays on the Social, Cultural and Geopolitical Domains
  15 (0.1%)
College Literature
  15 (0.1%)
Comics and Sacred Texts. Reimagining Religion and Graphic Narratives
  15 (0.1%)
Comics Memory. Archives and Styles
  15 (0.1%)
Comics, Mangas, Graphic Novels
  15 (0.1%)
Empirical Comics Research. Digital Multimodal and Cognitive Methods
  15 (0.1%)
French Cultural Studies
  15 (0.1%)
Journal of American Studies
  15 (0.1%)
  15 (0.1%)
Mutanten. Die deutschsprachige Comic-Avantgarde der 90er Jahre
  15 (0.1%)
Representing Multiculturalism in Comics and Graphic Novels
  15 (0.1%)
Riddle Me This, Batman! Essays on the Universe of the Dark Knight
  15 (0.1%)
Sexual Ideology in the Works of Alan Moore. Critical Essays on the Graphic Novels
  15 (0.1%)
  15 (0.1%)
Superman at Fifty. The Persistence of a Legend
  15 (0.1%)
The Ages of Iron Man. Essays on the Armored Avenger in Changing Times
  15 (0.1%)
The Ages of the Avengers. Essays on the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in Changing Times.
  15 (0.1%)
The Ages of the Incredible Hulk. Essays on the Green Goliath in Changing Times
  15 (0.1%)
The Blacker the Ink. Constructions of Black Identity in Comics and Sequential Art
  15 (0.1%)
The Contemporary Comic Book Superhero
  15 (0.1%)
The Rise and Reason of Comics and Graphic Literature. Critical Essays on the Form
  15 (0.1%)
Watchmen and Philosophy. A Rorschach Test
  15 (0.1%)
»Antico-mix«. Antike in Comics
  14 (0.1%)
Alan Moore and the Gothic Tradition
  14 (0.1%)
Boys’ Love Manga. Essays on the Sexual Ambiguity and Cross-Cultural Fandom of the Genre
  14 (0.1%)
Comics and Power. Representing and Questioning Culture, Subjects and Communities
  14 (0.1%)
East Asian Journal of Popular Culture
  14 (0.1%)
Film and Comic Books
  14 (0.1%)
Graphic History. Essays on Graphic Novels And/As History
  14 (0.1%)
Japanese Visual Culture. Explorations in the World of Manga and Anime
  14 (0.1%)
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
  14 (0.1%)
Law Text Culture
  14 (0.1%)
  14 (0.1%)
Mitologías Hoy
  14 (0.1%)
Multicultural Comics. From ‘Zap’ to ‘Blue Beetle’
  14 (0.1%)
Praxis Deutsch
  14 (0.1%)
Struktur und Geschichte der Comics. Beiträge zur Comicforschung
  14 (0.1%)
Studies in American Humor
  14 (0.1%)
The Believer
  14 (0.1%)
The Francophone Bande Dessinée
  14 (0.1%)
À la rencontre de … Jacques Tardi
  13 (0.1%)
  13 (0.1%)
  13 (0.1%)
Ästhetik des Comic
  13 (0.1%)
Comics – Übersetzungen und Adaptionen
  13 (0.1%)
Comics & Culture. Analytical and Theoretical Approaches to Comics
  13 (0.1%)
Comics as History, Comics as Literature. Roles of the Comic Book in Scholarship, Society, and Entertainment
  13 (0.1%)
Comics in Translation
  13 (0.1%)
Comics. Zur Theorie und Geschichte eines populärkulturellen Mediums
  13 (0.1%)
European Journal of American Studies
  13 (0.1%)
Heroines of Comic Books and Literature. Portrayals in Popular Culture
  13 (0.1%)
Journal of Comics and Culture
  13 (0.1%)
Journal of Educational Sociology
  13 (0.1%)
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
  13 (0.1%)
L’engendrement des images en bande dessinée
  13 (0.1%)
Literature Compass
  13 (0.1%)
Many More Lives of the Batman
  13 (0.1%)
Minutes to Midnight. Twelve Essays on <em>Watchmen</em>
  13 (0.1%)
Neue Rundschau
  13 (0.1%)
Reading Charlotte Salomon
  13 (0.1%)
Son of Classics and Comics
  13 (0.1%)
The Comics of Julie Doucet and Gabrielle Bell. A Place inside Yourself
  13 (0.1%)
World Literature Today
  13 (0.1%)
  12 (0.1%)
Comic. Film. Helden. Heldenkonzepte und medienwissenschaftliche Analysen
  12 (0.1%)
Comics – Bilder, Stories und Sequenzen in religiösen Deutungskulturen
  12 (0.1%)
Comics and the U.S. South
  12 (0.1%)
Comics and Visual Culture. Research Studies from ten Countries
  12 (0.1%)
Comics as Culture
  12 (0.1%)
Comics und Animationsfilme
  12 (0.1%)
  12 (0.1%)
Drawing from Life. Memory and Subjectivity in Comic Art
  12 (0.1%)
English Language Notes
  12 (0.1%)
Gnosis Special Issue
  12 (0.1%)
Graphic Justice. Intersections of Comics and Law
  12 (0.1%)
History and Politics in French-Language Comics and Graphic Novels
  12 (0.1%)
Im Comic vereint. Eine Geschichte der Bildgeschichte
  12 (0.1%)
Journal of Lesbian Studies
  12 (0.1%)
Journal of Postcolonial Writing
  12 (0.1%)
kritische berichte
  12 (0.1%)
Matt Baker. The Art of Glamour
  12 (0.1%)
  12 (0.1%)
Reading Manga. Local and Global Perceptions of Japanese Comics
  12 (0.1%)
Szenarien des Comic. Helden und Historien im Medium der Schriftbildlichkeit
  12 (0.1%)
  12 (0.1%)
The Artistry of Neil Gaiman. Finding Light in the Shadows
  12 (0.1%)
The Comics Journal. Special Edition
  12 (0.1%)
The Gospel According to Superheroes. Religion and Popular Culture
  12 (0.1%)
The Mignolaverse. Hellboy and the Comics Art of Mike Mignola
  12 (0.1%)
The Sandman Papers. An Exploration of the Sandman Mythology
  12 (0.1%)
Überzeichnet. Religion in Comics
  12 (0.1%)
Alternative Francophone
  11 (0.1%)
  11 (0.1%)
Ästhetik des Gemachten. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Animations- und Comicforschung
  11 (0.1%)
  11 (0.1%)
Caesar, Attila & Co. Comics und die Antike
  11 (0.1%)
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée
  11 (0.1%)
Comic und Literatur. Konstellationen
  11 (0.1%)
  11 (0.1%)
Comics & Ideology
  11 (0.1%)
Comics as Philosophy
  11 (0.1%)
Comics intermedial
  11 (0.1%)
Critical Studies in Media Communication
  11 (0.1%)
Cultures of War in Graphic Novels. Violence, Trauma, and Memory
  11 (0.1%)
Dangerous Drawings. Interviews with Comix & Graphix Artists
  11 (0.1%)
Die Sprache(n) der Comics
  11 (0.1%)
Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence
  11 (0.1%)
Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works
  11 (0.1%)
Ethnologie française
  11 (0.1%)
Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts
  11 (0.1%)
Illustrating Asia. Comics, Humor Magazines and Picture Books
  11 (0.1%)
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique
  11 (0.1%)
Journal of Fandom Studies
  11 (0.1%)
Linguistics and the Study of Comics
  11 (0.1%)
Medien & Zeit
  11 (0.1%)
Prinzip Synthese: Der Comic
  11 (0.1%)
Studies in the Novel
  11 (0.1%)
The Education of a Comics Artist. Visual Narrative in Cartoons, Graphic Novels, and Beyond
  11 (0.1%)
  10 (0.1%)
Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels. Page by Page, Panel by Panel
  10 (0.1%)
Children’s Literature Association Quarterly
  10 (0.1%)
Comics im ästhetischen Unterricht
  10 (0.1%)
Comics in Australia and New Zealand. The Collections, the Collectors, the Creators
  10 (0.1%)
Critical Engagements
  10 (0.1%)
Gender and the Superhero Narrative
  10 (0.1%)
  10 (0.1%)
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
  10 (0.1%)
Kultur & Gespenster
  10 (0.1%)
  10 (0.1%)
  10 (0.1%)
Reading the Funnies. Essays on Comic Strips
  10 (0.1%)
  10 (0.1%)
Review of Communication
  10 (0.1%)
Sequart Organization Magazine
  10 (0.1%)
SIGNs. Studies in Graphic Narratives
  10 (0.1%)
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture
  10 (0.1%)
Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies. The Heroic Beasts of Total Liberation
  10 (0.1%)
Teaching Comics Through Multiple Lenses. Critical Perspectives
  10 (0.1%)
Teaching Graphic Novels in the English Classroom. Pedagogical Possibilities of Multimodal Literacy Engagement
  10 (0.1%)
The Amazing Transforming Superhero! Essays on the Revision of Characters in Comic Books, Film and Television
  10 (0.1%)
The Art of Comics. A Philosophical Approach
  10 (0.1%)
The Language of Comics. Word and Image
  10 (0.1%)
The Many Lives of the Batman. Critical Approaches to a Superhero and his Media
  10 (0.1%)
The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy
  10 (0.1%)
  10 (0.1%)
Vom Geist der Superhelden. Comic Strips
  10 (0.1%)
Working-Class Comic Book Heroes. Class Conflict and Populist Politics in Comics
  10 (0.1%)
American Imago
  9 (0.1%)
Cinema Anime. Critical Engagements with Japanese Animation
  9 (0.1%)
Comic. Intermedialität und Legitimität eines popkulturellen Mediums
  9 (0.1%)
Comics und Cartoons in Lateinamerika
  9 (0.1%)
Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research
  9 (0.1%)
Contemporary French Civilization
  9 (0.1%)
  9 (0.1%)
Dialogues between Media
  9 (0.1%)
Études Francophones
  9 (0.1%)
Historietas, Comics y Tebeos españoles
  9 (0.1%)
Intensities: The Journal of Cult Media
  9 (0.1%)
Intercultural Crossovers, Transcultural Flows. Manga/Comics
  9 (0.1%)
International Journal of the Book
  9 (0.1%)
  9 (0.1%)
  9 (0.1%)
Journal of Modern Jewish studies
  9 (0.1%)
  9 (0.1%)
  9 (0.1%)
Networking Knowledge
  9 (0.1%)
  9 (0.1%)
Pulp Demons. International Dimensions of the Postwar Anti-Comics Campaign
  9 (0.1%)
Revue de recherche en civilisation américaine
  9 (0.1%)
  9 (0.1%)
Sex Roles
  9 (0.1%)
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai – Philologia
  9 (0.1%)
Amerasia Journal
  8 (0.1%)
American Art
  8 (0.1%)
Bildlaute & laute Bilder. Zur ›Audiovisualität‹ von Bilderzählungen
  8 (0.1%)
Cinéma et bande dessinée
  8 (0.1%)
Comic Book Geographies
  8 (0.1%)
Comicgate Magazin
  8 (0.1%)
Considering <em>Maus</em>. Approaches to Art Spiegelman’s “Survivor's tale” of the Holocaust
  8 (0.1%)
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies
  8 (0.1%)
Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Französisch
  8 (0.1%)
Feminist Media Histories
  8 (0.1%)
  8 (0.1%)
Forum for World Literature Studies
  8 (0.1%)
Gotham City 14 Miles. 14 Essays on Why the 1960s Batman TV Series Matters
  8 (0.1%)
Gothic Studies
  8 (0.1%)
Helden, Freaks und Superrabbis. Die jüdische Farbe des Comics
  8 (0.1%)
helden. heroes. héros.
  8 (0.1%)
Japan Forum
  8 (0.1%)
Japanese Studies
  8 (0.1%)
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
  8 (0.1%)
  8 (0.1%)
Neo-Victorian Studies
  8 (0.1%)
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
  8 (0.1%)
Rethinking History
  8 (0.1%)
  8 (0.1%)
  8 (0.1%)
South Central Review
  8 (0.1%)
Super/Heroes. From Hercules to Superman
  8 (0.1%)
Superhelden zwischen Comic und Film
  8 (0.1%)
The French Comics Theory Reader
  8 (0.1%)
The Neil Gaiman Reader
  8 (0.1%)
The Nostalgia Zine
  8 (0.1%)
Themes and Issues in Asian Cartooning. Cute, Cheap, Mad, and Sexy
  8 (0.1%)
  8 (0.1%)
Wissen durch Bilder. Sachcomics als Medien von Bildung und Information
  8 (0.1%)
Alan Moore. Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman
  7 (0%)
Art Journal
  7 (0%)
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
  7 (0%)
Autobiografie intermedial. Fallstudien zur Literatur und zum Comic
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
Bild ist Text ist Bild. Narration und Ästhetik in der Graphic Novel
  7 (0%)
Children’s Literature
  7 (0%)
Colloquia Germanica
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
Comic Art
  7 (0%)
Comic Book Rebels. Conversations with the Creators of the New Comics
  7 (0%)
Critical Inquiry
  7 (0%)
Der Deutschunterricht
  7 (0%)
Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Englisch
  7 (0%)
Die Kinder des Fliegenden Robert. Beiträge zur Archäologie der deutschen Bildergeschichtentradition
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
Feminism in the Worlds of Neil Gaiman. Essays on the Comics, Poetry and Prose
  7 (0%)
Feminist Media Studies
  7 (0%)
Forging a New Medium. The Comic Strip in the Nineteenth Century
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
Good Grief! Children and Comics
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
History of Photography
  7 (0%)
How to Get Girls (into your store). A Friends of Lulu Retailer Handbook
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
In the Studio. Visits with Contemporary Cartoonists
  7 (0%)
International Journal of Cultural Studies
  7 (0%)
Japanische Populärkultur und Gender. Ein Studienbuch
  7 (0%)
Journal of Pragmatics
  7 (0%)
Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung
  7 (0%)
Krieg und Literatur / War and Literature
  7 (0%)
Les Langages du corps dans la bande dessinée
  7 (0%)
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
Poetics Today
  7 (0%)
Popular Culture Studies Journal
  7 (0%)
The Devil is in the Details. Examining Matt Murdock and Daredevil
  7 (0%)
The Phoenix Papers
  7 (0%)
The Routledge Companion to Comics
  7 (0%)
  7 (0%)
Works & Days
  7 (0%)
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
  7 (0%)
»Mit Pikasso macht man Kasso.« Kunst und Kunstwelt im Comic
  6 (0%)
apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]
  6 (0%)
Asterix und seine Zeit. Die große Welt des kleinen Galliers
  6 (0%)
Australasian Journal of Popular Culture
  6 (0%)
Children’s Literature in Education
  6 (0%)
Classics and Comics
  6 (0%)
Comics an der Grenze. Sub/Versionen von Form und Inhalt
  6 (0%)
Comics und Computerspiele im Deutschunterricht. Fachwissenschaftliche und fachdidaktische Aspekte
  6 (0%)
Comics und Religion. Eine interdisziplinäre Diskussion
  6 (0%)
  6 (0%)
Couleur directe. Chefs d’œuvres de la nouvelle bande dessinée française. Meisterwerke des neuen französischen Comics. Masterpieces of the new French Comics
  6 (0%)
Early Popular Visual Culture
  6 (0%)
English Journal
  6 (0%)
Handbook of Intermediality. Literature – Image – Sound – Music
  6 (0%)
Hogan’s Alley
  6 (0%)
Interpiktorialität. Theorie und Geschichte der Bild-Bild-Bezüge
  6 (0%)
Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
  6 (0%)
Journal of Modern Literature
  6 (0%)
  6 (0%)
Mutual Images
  6 (0%)
Pop en stock
  6 (0%)
Postmodern Culture
  6 (0%)
Sociétés & Représentations
  6 (0%)
Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature
  6 (0%)
Tausend Bilder und eins. Comic als ästhetische Praxis in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft
  6 (0%)
The CEA Critic
  6 (0%)
The Hooded Utilitarian
  6 (0%)
The Walking Med. Zombies and The Medical Image
  6 (0%)
Third Person. Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives
  6 (0%)
U.S.-Japan Women's Journal
  6 (0%)
Understanding the Funnies. Critical Interpretations of Comic Strips
  6 (0%)
Visual Communication
  6 (0%)
  6 (0%)
World Building. Transmedia, Fans, Industries
  6 (0%)
Yale French Studies
  6 (0%)
ABD. Asian/Pacific Book Development
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
American Periodicals
  5 (0%)
American Quarterly
  5 (0%)
Art Education
  5 (0%)
Bande dessinée et adaptation. Littérature, cinéma, TV
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Bild und Text im Dialog
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Cahiers de Narratologie
  5 (0%)
Canadian Graphic. Picturing Life Narratives
  5 (0%)
Canadian Literature
  5 (0%)
Canadian Review of American Studies
  5 (0%)
Canuck Comics. A Guide to Comic Books Published in Canada
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Classic Comics Illustrators. Frank Frazetta, Russ Heath, Burne Hogarth, Russ Manning, Mark Schultz
  5 (0%)
Comic Books and the Cold War, 1946–1962. Essays on Graphic Treatment of Communism, the Code and Social Concerns
  5 (0%)
Comic Heroes Magazine
  5 (0%)
Comics zwischen Zeitgeschehen und Politik
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
De tecknade seriernas språk. Uttryck och form
  5 (0%)
Disability Studies Quarterly
  5 (0%)
Études de Lettres
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Film, Fashion & Consumption
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Give Our Regards to the Atomsmashers! Writers on Comics
  5 (0%)
GRAAT on-line
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Historia, memoria y sociedad en el Género Negro. Literatura, cine, televisión y cómic
  5 (0%)
Historische Sozialkunde
  5 (0%)
Horror Studies
  5 (0%)
Hybridations. Les rencontres du texte et de l’image
  5 (0%)
International Journal of Communication
  5 (0%)
Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies
  5 (0%)
Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung
  5 (0%)
Japan Pop! Inside the World of Japanese Popular Culture
  5 (0%)
Kartografie der Träume. Die Kunst des Marc-Antoine Mathieu
  5 (0%)
Komik. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch
  5 (0%)
Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia
  5 (0%)
L’archipel Tintin
  5 (0%)
L’Association. Une utopie éditoriale et esthétique
  5 (0%)
Language Arts
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Les racines populaires de la culture européenne
  5 (0%)
Lignes de front. Bande dessinée et totalitarisme
  5 (0%)
Literatur und Kritik
  5 (0%)
Literaturgeschichte und Bildmedien
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Manhwa, Manga, Manhua. East Asian Comics Studies
  5 (0%)
McSweeney's Quarterly Concern
  5 (0%)
Mieux vaut Tardi
  5 (0%)
Modern and Contemporary France
  5 (0%)
Multimodal Metaphor
  5 (0%)
Mythologies du superhéros. Histoire, physiologie, géographie, intermédialités
  5 (0%)
Neil Gaiman in the 21st Century. Essays on the Novels, Children’s Stories, Online Writings, Comics and Other Works
  5 (0%)
Nocturnos. Le rêve dans la bande dessinée
  5 (0%)
Palabra Clave
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Philosophy Now
  5 (0%)
Prose Studies
  5 (0%)
Quaderns de Filologia
  5 (0%)
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Science Fiction Studies
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Strips, Toons, and Bluesies. Essays in Comics and Culture
  5 (0%)
Studies in American Jewish Literature
  5 (0%)
Sweet Lechery. Reviews, Essays & Profiles
  5 (0%)
Teaching Comics and Graphic Narratives. Essays on Theory, Strategy and Practice
  5 (0%)
The Ages of The X-Men. Essays on the Children of the Atom in Changing Times
  5 (0%)
The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman
  5 (0%)
The Oxonian Review
  5 (0%)
The Shandean
  5 (0%)
The Velvet Light Trap
  5 (0%)
The Visual Narrative Reader
  5 (0%)
The Year’s Work in Medievalism
  5 (0%)
Umbruch – Bild – Erinnerung. Beziehungsanalysen in nationalen und transnationalen Kontexten
  5 (0%)
  5 (0%)
Voice: AIGA Journal of Design
  5 (0%)
Women's Studies Quarterly
  5 (0%)
Writing Visual Culture
  5 (0%)
Zwischen Kanon und Unterhaltung. Interkulturelle und intermediale Aspekte von hoher und niederer Literatur. Between Canon and Entertainment. Intercultural and Intermedial Aspects of Highbrow and Lowbrow Literature
  5 (0%)
»Und wer bist du, der mich betrachtet?« Populäre Literatur und Kultur als ästhetische Phänomene. Festschrift für Helmut Schmiedt
  4 (0%)
A Necessary Fantasy? The Heroic Figure in Children’s Popular Culture
  4 (0%)
Abweichen. Über Bücher, Comics, Musik
  4 (0%)
African American Review
  4 (0%)
ALAN Review
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
AMA Journal of Ethics
  4 (0%)
American Literary History
  4 (0%)
American Media and Mass Culture. Left Perspectives
  4 (0%)
Animation Practice, Process & Production
  4 (0%)
Animation Studies
  4 (0%)
Asian American Literature
  4 (0%)
Asian Studies Review
  4 (0%)
Body Extensions. Art, Photography, Film, Comic, Fashion
  4 (0%)
Caietele Echinox
  4 (0%)
Childhood Education
  4 (0%)
Cinéma & Cie
  4 (0%)
Cinema e fumetto. Cinema and comics
  4 (0%)
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
  4 (0%)
Comics and Pop Culture. Adaptation from Panel to Frame
  4 (0%)
Comics machen Schule. Möglichkeiten der Vermittlung von Comics im Schulunterricht
  4 (0%)
Critique. Studies in Contemporary Fiction
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Cultural Excavation and Formal Expression in the Graphic Novel
  4 (0%)
Cultural Geographies
  4 (0%)
electronic book review
  4 (0%)
Études françaises
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Fandom Unbound. Otaku Culture in a Connected World
  4 (0%)
Fashion Theory
  4 (0%)
Frontiers in Psychology
  4 (0%)
German Quarterly
  4 (0%)
Geschichte lernen
  4 (0%)
Global Manga. “Japanese” Comics without Japan?
  4 (0%)
Griffith Law Review
  4 (0%)
Handbuch Theologie und Populärer Film
  4 (0%)
Heroes and Villains. Essays on Music, Movies, Comics, and Culture
  4 (0%)
Heroes of Film, Comics and American Culture. Essays on Real and Fictional Defenders of Home
  4 (0%)
Hoch unten. Das Triviale in der Hochkultur
  4 (0%)
Humor. International Journal of Humor Research
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Islam and Popular Culture
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Jewish Quarterly
  4 (0%)
Joss Whedon. The Complete Companion
  4 (0%)
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance
  4 (0%)
Journal of Austrian Studies
  4 (0%)
Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics
  4 (0%)
Journal of Perpetrator Research
  4 (0%)
Kerygma in Comic-Form
  4 (0%)
Klassik als kulturelle Praxis. Funktional, intermedial, transkulturell
  4 (0%)
Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History
  4 (0%)
Krägermanns Comic Katalog 97/98
  4 (0%)
Krieg und Migration im Comic. Interdisziplinäre Analysen
  4 (0%)
Maps and Legends
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Mass Culture. The Popular Arts in America
  4 (0%)
Neuvième art
  4 (0%)
On the Edge of the Panel. Essays on Comics Criticism
  4 (0%)
Other Voices: The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism
  4 (0%)
Perspectives. Studies in Translatology
  4 (0%)
Portraying 9/11. Essays on Representations in Comics, Literature, Film and Theatre
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Schau ins Blau
  4 (0%)
Schrift und Graphisches im Vergleich
  4 (0%)
Storyworlds across Media. Toward a Media-Conscious Narratology
  4 (0%)
Surrealism, Science Fiction, and Comics
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
The Clearing House
  4 (0%)
The Cyberpunk Nexus. Exploring the Blade Runner Universe
  4 (0%)
The Definitive Prince Valiant Companion
  4 (0%)
The Imp
  4 (0%)
The Lion and the Unicorn
  4 (0%)
The Man from Krypton. A Closer Look at Superman
  4 (0%)
The Oxford Handbook on the Bible and Popular Culture
  4 (0%)
The Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine
  4 (0%)
The Woman Fantastic in Contemporary American Media Culture
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Ulf K. Der Poet unter den Comiczeichnern
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
Vom Binge Watching zum Binge Thinking. Untersuchungen im Wechselspiel zwischen Wissenschaften und Popkultur
  4 (0%)
Wahrnehmungskulturen. Erkenntnis – Mimesis – Entertainment
  4 (0%)
  4 (0%)
17° C
  3 (0%)
A Companion to the Action Film
  3 (0%)
A Mixed Picture. Media Transfer and Media Competition in Illustrated Periodicals, 1840s–1960s
  3 (0%)
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies
  3 (0%)
Action! Artefakt, Ereignis, Erlebnis
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Altre Modernità
  3 (0%)
Amazing Heroes
  3 (0%)
American Lives
  3 (0%)
Apokalyptiker und Integrierte. Zur kritischen Kritik der Massenkultur
  3 (0%)
Asian Journal of Communication
  3 (0%)
Asian Popular Culture
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Bildergeschichten und Comics in der Sekundarstufe. Unterrichtsvorschläge
  3 (0%)
Book 2.0
  3 (0%)
Breaking the Panel! Comics as a Medium
  3 (0%)
College English
  3 (0%)
Comic Book Artist
  3 (0%)
Comic Connections. Reflecting on Women in Popular Culture
  3 (0%)
Comic Meets Theatre
  3 (0%)
Comic Release. Negotiating Identity for a New Generation
  3 (0%)
Comic Strips. Geschichte, Struktur, Wirkung und Verbreitung der Bildergeschichte
  3 (0%)
Comics im Medienmarkt, in der Analyse, im Unterricht
  3 (0%)
Comics, Culture, and Religion. Faith Imagined
  3 (0%)
Comics. <span>Katalog der Comics-Ausstellung im Münchner Stadtmuseum vom 2. März bis 6. Mai 1974</span>
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Communication et langages
  3 (0%)
Communication, Culture and Critique
  3 (0%)
Comparative Arts. Universelle Ästhetik im Fokus der Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft
  3 (0%)
Complicated Currents. Media Flows, Soft Power and East Asia
  3 (0%)
Convergence Culture Reconsidered. Media – Participation – Environments
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Crime, Media, Culture
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Critical Approaches to the Films of Robert Rodriguez
  3 (0%)
Crossing Boundaries in Graphic Narrative. Essays on Forms, Series and Genres
  3 (0%)
CS – VI. Bildroman
  3 (0%)
Cultural Studies
  3 (0%)
Dawn of an Evil Millennium. Horror/Kultur im neuen Jahrtausend
  3 (0%)
De l’écrit à l’écran. Littératures populaires : mutations génériques, mutations médiatiques
  3 (0%)
Der Märchenspiegel
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Diálogos intertextuales 1: De la palabra a la imagen. Estudios de literatura infantil y juvenil
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Dokumentation, Trostspende oder Anklage? Die Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima in japanischen Medien, Populärkultur und Literatur
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
  3 (0%)
Eroi di carta e celluloide. Il Medioevo germanico nelle forme espressive moderne
  3 (0%)
Études littéraires
  3 (0%)
European Journal of American Culture
  3 (0%)
European Journal of English Studies
  3 (0%)
Facetten der japanischen Populär- und Medienkultur
  3 (0%)
Fan Phenomena: Batman
  3 (0%)
Funny Cuts. Cartoons und Comics in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
  3 (0%)
Gender Forum
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Handbuch Medien im Geschichtsunterricht
  3 (0%)
Hispanic Marginal Literatures. The Erotics, the Comics, <em>novela rosa</em>
  3 (0%)
Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies
  3 (0%)
Implicit Religion
  3 (0%)
Intermediality and Storytelling
  3 (0%)
International Journal of Francophone Studies
  3 (0%)
Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur
  3 (0%)
Journal for Religion, Film and Media
  3 (0%)
Journal of African Cultural Studies
  3 (0%)
Journal of American Folklore
  3 (0%)
Journal of Australian Studies
  3 (0%)
Journal of Experimental Education
  3 (0%)
Journal of Gender Studies
  3 (0%)
Journal of Illustration
  3 (0%)
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema
  3 (0%)
Journal of Japanese Studies
  3 (0%)
Journal of Literature and Art Studies
  3 (0%)
Journal of Media and Religion
  3 (0%)
Journal of Modern Periodical Studies
  3 (0%)
Journal of Narrative Theory
  3 (0%)
Journal of Popular Television
  3 (0%)
Journal of Psychohistory
  3 (0%)
Journal of Religion and Film
  3 (0%)
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
  3 (0%)
Journal of Science Communication
  3 (0%)
Journal of Urban Cultural Studies
  3 (0%)
Journal of Visual Literacy
  3 (0%)
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
  3 (0%)
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Ein Lexikon
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Komparatistik online
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Kunst + Unterricht
  3 (0%)
L’assassinat de Mickey Mouse. Trois essais en disneylogie
  3 (0%)
La bande dessinée. Perspectives linguistiques et didactiques
  3 (0%)
La Transécriture. Pour une théorie de l’adaptation. Littérature, cinéma, bande dessinée, théâtre, clip
  3 (0%)
Language Arts Journal of Michigan
  3 (0%)
Latin American Perspectives
  3 (0%)
Life Writing
  3 (0%)
Literacy Research and Instruction
  3 (0%)
Literature after 9/11
  3 (0%)
Make Ours Marvel. Media Convergence and a Comics Universe
  3 (0%)
Marvel Comics’ <em>Civil War</em> and the Age of Terror. Critical Essays on the Comic Saga
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Neil Gaiman
  3 (0%)
Neil Gaiman and Philosophy. Gods Gone Wild
  3 (0%)
neuvième art 2.0
  3 (0%)
Novel Perspectives on German-Language Comics Studies. History, Pedagogy, Theory
  3 (0%)
Orientaliska Studier
  3 (0%)
Partial Answers
  3 (0%)
Pessimist mit Schmetterling. Wilhelm Busch – Maler, Zeichner, Dichter, Denker
  3 (0%)
Populäre Serialität: Narration – Evolution – Distinktion. Zum seriellen Erzählen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert
  3 (0%)
Populärkultur und deutsch-französische Mittler/Culture de masse et médiateurs franco-allemands. Akteure, Medien, Ausdrucksformen/Acteurs, médias, articulations
  3 (0%)
Porn Studies
  3 (0%)
Postmodern Reinterpretations of Fairy Tales. How Applying New Methods Generates New Meanings
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Rediscovering French Science-Fiction in Literature, Film and Comics. From <em>Cyrano</em> to <em>Barbarella</em>
  3 (0%)
Referate des 10. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentages vom 9. bis 12. Oktober 1996 in München
  3 (0%)
Reform Judaism
  3 (0%)
Religion & Human Rights
  3 (0%)
Religiöse Comics. Zum pastoralen Einsatz von »Bibel-Comics« und von »allgemein religiösen Comics«
  3 (0%)
Religious Education
  3 (0%)
ReS Futurae
  3 (0%)
Review of Japanese Culture and Society
  3 (0%)
Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses
  3 (0%)
Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams. Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Serialität in Literatur und Medien. Bd. 1: Theorie und Didaktik
  3 (0%)
Serialization in Popular Culture
  3 (0%)
Shojo Manga! Girl Power! Girls’ Comics From Japan
  3 (0%)
Siegel and Shusters Funnyman. The First Jewish Superhero, from the Creators of Superman
  3 (0%)
Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society
  3 (0%)
Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science
  3 (0%)
Studien zur Geschichte des Comic
  3 (0%)
Sub/versions. Cultural Status, Genre and Critique
  3 (0%)
Subjectivity across Media. Interdisciplinary and Transmedial Perspectives
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
The Aesthetics and Politics of Linguistic Borders. Multilingualism in Northern European Literature
  3 (0%)
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
  3 (0%)
The Assimilation of Yogic Religions through Pop Culture
  3 (0%)
The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland. Bd. 4: Professionalism and Diversity 1880–2000
  3 (0%)
The Future of Text and Image. Collected Essays on Literary and Visual Conjunctures []
  3 (0%)
The Iconic Obama, 2007–2009. Essays on Media Representations of the Candidate and New President
  3 (0%)
The Last Midnight. Essays on Apocalyptic Narratives in Millennial Media
  3 (0%)
The Luminary
  3 (0%)
The Metareferential Turn in Contemporary Arts and Media. Forms, Functions, Attempts at Explanation
  3 (0%)
The Middle Spaces
  3 (0%)
The Novel as Network. Forms, Ideas, Commodities
  3 (0%)
The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies
  3 (0%)
The Oxford Handbook of Children’s Literature
  3 (0%)
The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies
  3 (0%)
The Routledge Companion to Gender and Sexuality in Comic Book Studies
  3 (0%)
The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction
  3 (0%)
The Theme of Cultural Adaptation in American History, Literature and Film. Cases When the Discourse Changed
  3 (0%)
The Worlds of Japanese Popular Culture. Gender, Shifting Boundaries and Global Cultures
  3 (0%)
Theology, Religion, and Dystopia
  3 (0%)
Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap
  3 (0%)
Time, Narrative & the Fixed Image. Temps, narration & image fixe
  3 (0%)
  3 (0%)
Transmediale Genre-Passagen. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
  3 (0%)
Übersetzen und Rahmen. Praktiken medialer Transformationen
  3 (0%)
Übung, ein Stück Papier zu halten. Festschrift für Kathrin Hoffmann-Curtius zum 60. Geburtstag
  3 (0%)
Verfilmte Kinderliteratur. Gattungen, Produktion, Distribution, Rezeption und Modelle für den Deutschunterricht
  3 (0%)
Visions of the Future in Comics. International Perspectives
  3 (0%)
Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Vol. 1: Overviews
  3 (0%)
Wonder Woman and Philosophy. The Amazonian Mystique
  3 (0%)
Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik
  3 (0%)
Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik
  3 (0%)
« On tue à chaque page! » La loi de 1949 sur les publications destinées à la jeunesse
  2 (0%)
»High« und »low«. Zur Interferenz von Hoch- und Populärkultur in der Gegenwartsliteratur
  2 (0%)
»Previously on …«. Zur Ästhetik der Zeitlichkeit neuerer TV-Serien
  2 (0%)
11. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag in Trier 1999. Bd. 2: Sprache, Literatur, Kunst, Populärkultur/Medien, Informationstechnik
  2 (0%)
14th International Display Workshops (IDW ’07)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
9/11 als kulturelle Zäsur. Repräsentationen des 11. September 2001 in kulturellen Diskursen, Literatur und visuellen Medien
  2 (0%)
A New Literary History of America
  2 (0%)
A Vindication of the Redhead. The Typology of Red Hair Throughout the Literary and Visual Arts
  2 (0%)
A Wanderer in the Perfect City. Selected Passion Pieces
  2 (0%)
A.V. Club
  2 (0%)
Abjection Incorporated. Mediating the Politics of Pleasure and Violence
  2 (0%)
Academic Medicine
  2 (0%)
Action Chicks. New Images of Tough Women in Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
Age of the Geek. Depictions of Nerds and Geeks in Popular Media
  2 (0%)
Aging Heroes. Growing Old in Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
Alles nur Pop? Anmerkungen zur populären und Pop-Literatur seit 1990
  2 (0%)
Alter Ego
  2 (0%)
Alter(n) in der Populärkultur
  2 (0%)
American Journal of Psychotherapy
  2 (0%)
American Journalism
  2 (0%)
Ancient Violence in the Modern Imagination. The Fear and the Fury
  2 (0%)
Anglo-Saxon Culture and the Modern Imagination
  2 (0%)
Animation Journal
  2 (0%)
Applied Cognitive Psychology
  2 (0%)
Architektur wie sie im Buche steht. Fiktive Bauten und Städte in der Literatur
  2 (0%)
Archiv fur das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen
  2 (0%)
Arizona Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Ars Aeterna
  2 (0%)
Art et religion
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Asian Journal of Social Science
  2 (0%)
Aspekte japanischer Comics
  2 (0%)
Ästhetiken in Kindheit und Jugend. Sozialisation im Spannungsfeld von Kreativität, Konsum und Distinktion
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Australasian Journal of American Studies
  2 (0%)
Australian Feminist Studies
  2 (0%)
Australian Journal of French Studies
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Avant Garde Critical Studies
  2 (0%)
Baraza: A Journal of the Arts in Malawi
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Beautiful Things in Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
Berlin: Bilder einer Metropole in erzählenden Medien für Kinder und Jugendliche
  2 (0%)
Beyond MAUS. The Legacy of Holocaust Comics
  2 (0%)
Beyond Media Borders, Vol. 2: Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media
  2 (0%)
Beyond Narrative. Exploring Narrative Liminality and Its Cultural Work
  2 (0%)
Beyond the Living Dead. Essays on the Romero Legacy
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Bilderbuch und literar-ästhetische Bildung. Aktuelle Forschungsperspektiven
  2 (0%)
Bildtext – Textbild. Probleme der Rede über Text-Bild-Hybride
  2 (0%)
Black Comics. Politics of Race and Representation
  2 (0%)
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
  2 (0%)
Brünner Hefte zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache
  2 (0%)
Bücher als Kunstwerke. Von der Literatur zum Künstlerbuch
  2 (0%)
Bulletin Jugend & Literatur
  2 (0%)
Cambridge Journal of Education
  2 (0%)
Camera Obscura
  2 (0%)
Canadian Journal of Communication
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Changing English
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Cognitive Psychology
  2 (0%)
Cognitive Research
  2 (0%)
Cognitive Science
  2 (0%)
Collection Building
  2 (0%)
College & Research Libraries News
  2 (0%)
Comic Arts Conference
  2 (0%)
Comic Book Marketplace
  2 (0%)
Comic Connections. Building Character and Theme
  2 (0%)
Comic Forum
  2 (0%)
Comic und Jugendliteratur in Belgien von ihren Anfängen bis heute
  2 (0%)
Comics and Videogames. From Hybrid Medialities to Transmedia Expansions
  2 (0%)
Comics Deluxe! Das Comicmagazin <em>Strapazin</em>
  2 (0%)
Comics of the New Europe. Reflections and Intersections
  2 (0%)
Comics und Intersektionalität
  2 (0%)
Comics. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven aus Theorie und Praxis auf ein Stiefkind der Medienpädagogik
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Communication Booknotes Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Comparative Literature
  2 (0%)
Con gli occhi a mandorla. Sguardi sul Giappone dei cartoons e dei fumetti
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Containing America. Cultural Production and Consumption in 50s America
  2 (0%)
Contemporary Literature
  2 (0%)
Contested Views of a Common Past. Revisions of History in Contemporary East Asia
  2 (0%)
Creative Industries Journal
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Critical Vision. Random Essays and Tracts Concerning Sex Religion Death
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos
  2 (0%)
Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación
  2 (0%)
Cultural Critique
  2 (0%)
Culture, le magazine culturel en ligne de l'Université de Liège
  2 (0%)
Cultures of Comics Work
  2 (0%)
Darstellen, Vermitteln, Aneignen. Gegenwärtige Reflexionen des Holocaust
  2 (0%)
Das Mädchen aus der Volkskommune. Chinesische Chomics
  2 (0%)
Déconstruire l’image
  2 (0%)
Democracy and Difference. The US in Multidisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives
  2 (0%)
Der altsprachliche Unterricht Latein, Griechisch
  2 (0%)
Der Comic als Form. Bildsprache, Ästhetik, Narration
  2 (0%)
Der neue Wettstreit der Künste. Legitimation und Dominanz im Zeichen der Intermedialität
  2 (0%)
Deutschsprachige Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Medienverbund 1900–1945
  2 (0%)
Diálogos intertextuales 4: Discursos (audio)visuales para un receptor infantil y juvenil. Estudios de literatura infantil y juvenil: medios audiovisuales
  2 (0%)
Diálogos intertextuales: Pocahontas. Estudios de literatura infantil y juvenil alemana e inglesa: trasvases semióticos
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Die Dechiffrierung von Helden. Aspekte einer Semiotik des Heroischen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
  2 (0%)
Die Erotik des Blicks. Studien zu Filmästhetik und Unterhaltungskultur
  2 (0%)
Die Kommunikation der Gerüchte
  2 (0%)
Die Neueren Sprachen
  2 (0%)
Die Sichtbarkeit des Lesens. Variationen eines Dispositivs
  2 (0%)
Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
  2 (0%)
Digital Humanities Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Doing Memory Revisited. Transmediale und transgenerationale Aktualisierungen
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Drawing New Color Lines. Transnational Asian American Graphic Narratives
  2 (0%)
Drawing on the Victorians. The Palimpsest of Victorian and Neo-Victorian Graphic Texts
  2 (0%)
ECLS Student Scholarship
  2 (0%)
Education 3–13
  2 (0%)
Einfachheit in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Ein Gewinn für den Fremdsprachenunterricht
  2 (0%)
Elective Affinities. Testing Word and Image Relationships
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Erich Maria Remarque und der Comic
  2 (0%)
Erzählkultur. Beiträge zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Erzählforschung
  2 (0%)
Erzähltheorie transgenerisch, intermedial, interdisziplinär
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea
  2 (0%)
ETC. A Review of General Semantics
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Études Tsiganes
  2 (0%)
European Journal of Life Writing
  2 (0%)
European Studies in Sports History
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Fanning the Flames. Fans and Consumer Culture in Contemporary Japan
  2 (0%)
Fantasy Girls. Gender in the New Universe of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television
  2 (0%)
Far West Popular Culture Association 33rd Annual Conference
  2 (0%)
Farbe, Klang, Reim, Rhythmus. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Musik im Bilderbuch
  2 (0%)
Faster than a Speeding Bullet. The Art of the Superhero
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Feats of Clay. Disability and the Graphic Novel
  2 (0%)
Feminist Criminology
  2 (0%)
Feminist Studies
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Film International
  2 (0%)
Film Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Film Studies
  2 (0%)
Film- und Fernsichten. Dokumentation des 24. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums
  2 (0%)
Films, Graphic Novels & Visuals. Developing Multiliteracies in Foreign Language Education – An Interdisciplinary Approach
  2 (0%)
Forgotten Disney. Essays on the Lesser-Known Productions
  2 (0%)
Forschung Frankfurt
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Fremde Welten. Wege und Räume der Fantastik im 21. Jahrhundert
  2 (0%)
From Iceland to the Americas. Vinland and historical imagination
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Frosch und Frankenstein. Bilder als Medium der Popularisierung von Wissenschaft
  2 (0%)
Gender and Education
  2 (0%)
Germanistische Mitteilungen
  2 (0%)
Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht
  2 (0%)
Global Perspectives on Tarzan. From King of the Jungle to International Icon
  2 (0%)
Gott in Serie. Theologische Rezeption populärer Narrationen
  2 (0%)
Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine. Knowledge in the Life Sciences as Cultural Artefact
  2 (0%)
Handbuch der Publizistik
  2 (0%)
Handbuch Medienerziehung im Kindergarten. Bd. 1: Pädagogische Grundlagen
  2 (0%)
Handbuch Popkultur
  2 (0%)
Handbuch Populäre Kultur. Begriffe, Theorien und Diskussionen
  2 (0%)
Hanging Out with the Dream King. Conversations with Neil Gaiman and His Collaborators
  2 (0%)
Harper’s Magazine
  2 (0%)
Harper’s Magazine
  2 (0%)
Harvard Educational Review
  2 (0%)
Hell and its Afterlife. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
  2 (0%)
Heroisches Elend. Der Erste Weltkrieg im intellektuellen, literarischen und bildnerischen Gedächtnis der europäischen Kulturen
  2 (0%)
Hibakusha Cinema. Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film
  2 (0%)
Historische Perspektiven auf den Iconic Turn. Die Entwicklung der öffentlichen visuellen Kommunikation
  2 (0%)
Historisches Erzählen in der Gegenwartsliteratur. Positionen der germanistischen Literaturdidaktik
  2 (0%)
History Goes Pop. Zur Repräsentation von Geschichte in populären Medien und Genres
  2 (0%)
Horizonte. Italianistische Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaft und Gegenwartsliteratur
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Icons – Texts – Iconotexts. Essays on Ekphrasis and Intermediality
  2 (0%)
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  2 (0%)
Images and Empires. Visuality in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa
  2 (0%)
Images and Imagery. Frames, Borders, Limits – Interdisciplinary Perspectives
  2 (0%)
Imagining the End. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Apocalypse
  2 (0%)
In a Stranger Field. Studies of Art, Audiovisuals and New Technologies in Fantasy, SciFi and Horror Genres
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
  2 (0%)
Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Interférences littéraires / Literaire interferenties
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Interkulturalität. Aktuelle Entwicklungstendenzen in Literatur, Sprache und Gesellschaft
  2 (0%)
International Cinema and the Girl. Local Issues, Transnational Contexts
  2 (0%)
International Journal of Cultural Policy
  2 (0%)
International Journal of Human Sciences
  2 (0%)
International Journal on the Arts in Society
  2 (0%)
International Review of Social History
  2 (0%)
Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies
  2 (0%)
Iron Man and Philosophy. Facing the Stark Reality
  2 (0%)
Jahrbuch für Literatur und Psychoanalyse
  2 (0%)
Japonica Humboldtiana
  2 (0%)
Joe Sacco. Nuvole da oltre frontiera. Joe Sacco. Clouds from beyond the Borders
  2 (0%)
Joss Whedon and Religion. Essays on an Angry Atheist’s Explorations of the Sacred
  2 (0%)
Journal of Art & Design Education
  2 (0%)
Journal of Children's Literature
  2 (0%)
Journal of Communication Inquiry
  2 (0%)
Journal of Consumer Research
  2 (0%)
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy
  2 (0%)
Journal of Imaging
  2 (0%)
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies
  2 (0%)
Journal of Moral Education
  2 (0%)
Journal of Popular Film and Television
  2 (0%)
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
  2 (0%)
Journal of Research in Childhood Education
  2 (0%)
Journal of Social Science Education
  2 (0%)
Journal of Social Theory in Art Education
  2 (0%)
Journalism Studies
  2 (0%)
Jüdische Kultur und Weiblichkeit in der Moderne
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Jugendschriften-Warte N.F.
  2 (0%)
Jungle World
  2 (0%)
Juni-Magazin für Literatur und Kultur
  2 (0%)
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in Medienkontexten. Adaption – Hybridisierung – Intermedialität – Konvergenz
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
KOntekstowy MIKS. Przez opowieści graficzne do analiz kultury współczesnej
  2 (0%)
Krazy Kat. The Comic Art of George Herriman
  2 (0%)
Kritische Ausgabe
  2 (0%)
Kultura popularna
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
La bande dessinée en dissidence / Comics in Dissent. Alternative, indépendance, auto-édition / Alternative, Independence, Self-Publishing
  2 (0%)
La bande dessinée: quelle lecture, quelle culture?
  2 (0%)
La Bande dessinée. Une médiaculture
  2 (0%)
Labyrinthe als Texte – Texte als Labyrinthe
  2 (0%)
Latin American Literature and Mass Media
  2 (0%)
Latin American Science Fiction. Theory and Practice
  2 (0%)
Latinos and Narrative Media. Participation and Portrayal
  2 (0%)
Law, Culture and the Humanities
  2 (0%)
Le statut culturel de la bande dessinée – ambiguïtés et évolutions. The Cultural Standing of Comics – Ambiguities and Changes
  2 (0%)
Le Temps des Médias
  2 (0%)
Les Cahiers de la bande dessinée
  2 (0%)
Lesefutter für Groß und Klein. Kinder- und Jugendliteratur nach 2000 und literarisches Lernen im medienintegrativen Deutschunterricht
  2 (0%)
Lethe-Effekte. Forensik des Vergessens in Literatur, Comic, Theater und Film
  2 (0%)
LIT. Literature Interpretation Theory
  2 (0%)
Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht
  2 (0%)
literatur konkret
  2 (0%)
Literature & Aesthetics
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
MacEwan University Student eJournal
  2 (0%)
Matters of Gravity. Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century
  2 (0%)
Media and the Transformation of Religion in South Asia
  2 (0%)
Media of Serial Narrative
  2 (0%)
Media Representations of September 11
  2 (0%)
Media, Culture & Society
  2 (0%)
Mediale Transformationen des Holocaust
  2 (0%)
Mediale Transkodierungen. Metamorphosen zwischen Sprache, Bild und Ton
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Medienwissenschaft. Ein Handbuch zur Entwicklung der Medien und Kommunikationsformen
  2 (0%)
Medieval Afterlives in Contemporary Culture
  2 (0%)
Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture
  2 (0%)
Men and Masculinities
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Metalepsis in Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
Metaphor and Symbol
  2 (0%)
Michael Chabon’s America. Magical Words, Secret Worlds, and Sacred Spaces
  2 (0%)
Minchō Magazine
  2 (0%)
MiT5, Media in Transition: Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age
  2 (0%)
Mitteilungen des Instituts für Jugendbuchforschung
  2 (0%)
Mittelalter-Rezeption II. Gesammelte Vorträge des 2. Salzburger Symposions »Die Rezeption des Mittelalters in Literatur, Bildender Kunst und Musik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts«
  2 (0%)
Modern Language Review
  2 (0%)
Monsters in the Mirror. Representations of Nazism in Post-War Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
More Matters
  2 (0%)
Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens
  2 (0%)
Names: A Journal of Onomastics
  2 (0%)
Narrative Across Media. The Languages of Storytelling
  2 (0%)
Narrative des Entsetzens. Künstlerische, mediale und intellektuelle Deutungen des 11. September 2001
  2 (0%)
Narratives Crossing Boundaries. Storytelling in a Transmedial and Transdisciplinary Context
  2 (0%)
Neil Gaiman’s <em>The Sandman</em> and Joseph Campbell. In Search of the Modern Myth
  2 (0%)
Nemo. The Classic Comics Library
  2 (0%)
Neo-Victorian Humour. Comic Subversions and Unlaughter in Contemporary Historical Re-Visions
  2 (0%)
Neo-Victorian Villains. Adaptations and Transformations in Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
New Directions in Folklore
  2 (0%)
New Voices In Classical Reception Studies
  2 (0%)
Nga Pakiwaituhi o Aotearoa. New Zealand Comics
  2 (0%)
Nordicom Review
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Orient und Okzident. Zur Faustrezeption in nicht-christlichen Kulturen
  2 (0%)
Orientations. Space/Time/Image/Word. Word & Image Interactions 5
  2 (0%)
Pacific Coast Philology
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
  2 (0%)
Philosophy and Literature
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Phonorama. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Stimme als Medium
  2 (0%)
Pop Culture Matters
  2 (0%)
Pop Pop Populär. Popliteratur und Jugendkultur
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Popular Culture in Libraries
  2 (0%)
Popular Culture Review
  2 (0%)
Popular Culture, Crime and Social Control
  2 (0%)
Popular culture, globalization and Japan
  2 (0%)
Popular Narrative Media
  2 (0%)
Post Script
  2 (0%)
Postcolonial Studies
  2 (0%)
Postgender. Gender, Sexuality and Performativity in Japanese Culture
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Pressetextsorten jenseits der ›News‹. Medienlinguistische Perspektiven auf journalistische Kreativität
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Public Knowledge Journal
  2 (0%)
Public Opinion Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Publishing Research Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Punk Rock: So What? The Cultural Legacy of Punk
  2 (0%)
Quarterly Journal of Speech
  2 (0%)
R.F. Outcault’s The Yellow Kid. A Centennial Celebration of the Kid Who Started the Comics
  2 (0%)
Rabid Eye. The Collected Rare Bit Fiends
  2 (0%)
Radical History Review
  2 (0%)
Reading Joss Whedon
  2 (0%)
Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft
  2 (0%)
Reframing 9/11. Film, Popular Culture and the “War on Terror”
  2 (0%)
Reframing the Musical. Race, Culture, and Identity
  2 (0%)
Religion in Cultural Imaginary. Explorations in Visual und Material Practices
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Representing Restoration, Enlightenment and Romanticism
  2 (0%)
Research & Humanities in Medical Education
  2 (0%)
Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies
  2 (0%)
Revisionen – Relektüren – Perspektiven
  2 (0%)
Revista española de la opinión pública
  2 (0%)
Romance Studies
  2 (0%)
sans phrase [sans phrase]
  2 (0%)
Satire. Mitteilungen des Wilhelm-Busch-Museums
  2 (0%)
Science meets Comics
  2 (0%)
Scorned Literature. Essays on the History and Criticism of Popular Mass-Produced Fiction in America
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Sequential Art. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Graphic Novel
  2 (0%)
Serialität in Literatur und Medien. Bd. 2: Modelle für den Deutschunterricht
  2 (0%)
Seriality and Texts for Young People. The Compulsion to Repeat
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Shakespeares after Shakespeare. An Encyclopedia of the Bard in Mass Media and Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
Shockwaves of Possibility. Essays on Science Fiction, Globalization, and Utopia
  2 (0%)
Shorter Views. Queer Thoughts & The Politics of the Paraliterary
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Social & Cultural Geography
  2 (0%)
Social Identities
  2 (0%)
Social Problems
  2 (0%)
South Atlantic Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Spaces of Utopia
  2 (0%)
Splat Boom Pow! The Influence of Cartoons in Contemporary Art
  2 (0%)
Sprache im technischen Zeitalter
  2 (0%)
Steaming into a Victorian Future. A Steampunk Anthology
  2 (0%)
Strip en illustratie in België. Een stand van zaken en de sociaaleconomische situatie van de sector
  2 (0%)
Studia Germanica Posnaniensia
  2 (0%)
Studies in Art Education
  2 (0%)
Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education
  2 (0%)
Studies in Visual Arts and Communication
  2 (0%)
Superheroes and Masculinity. Unmasking the Gender Performance of Heroism
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Technical Services Quarterly
  2 (0%)
Ten Years of Love and Rockets
  2 (0%)
The 21st Century Superhero. Essays on Gender, Genre and Globalization in Film
  2 (0%)
The Cambridge Companion to Comics
  2 (0%)
The Cambridge Companion to the Graphic Novel
  2 (0%)
The Child Savage, 1890–2010. From Comics to Games
  2 (0%)
The Cinema of James Wan. Critical Essays
  2 (0%)
The Comics of Joe Sacco. Journalism in a Visual World
  2 (0%)
The Comparatist
  2 (0%)
The Detective’s Companion in Crime Fiction. A Study in Sidekicks
  2 (0%)
The Gay Utopia
  2 (0%)
The Greenwood Guide to American Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
The Immediate Experience. Movies, Comics, Theatre, and Other Aspects of Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
The Information Society
  2 (0%)
The Language of Pop Culture
  2 (0%)
The New Yorker
  2 (0%)
The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic
  2 (0%)
The Palgrave Handbook of Humour, History, and Methodology
  2 (0%)
The Palgrave Handbook of Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature and Science
  2 (0%)
The Paris Review
  2 (0%)
The Popular Avant-Garde
  2 (0%)
The Reading Teacher
  2 (0%)
The Reference Librarian
  2 (0%)
The Routledge Companion to Media Fandom
  2 (0%)
The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods
  2 (0%)
The Serials Librarian
  2 (0%)
The Smallville Chronicles. Critical Essays on the Television Series
  2 (0%)
The Superhero Symbol. Media, Culture, and Politics
  2 (0%)
The Vault of Culture
  2 (0%)
The Visual Culture Reader
  2 (0%)
The War on Terror and American Popular Culture. September 11 and Beyond
  2 (0%)
The Year’s Work in Nerds, Wonks, and Neocons
  2 (0%)
Theories of Crime Through Popular Culture
  2 (0%)
Theory & Research in Social Education
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Thinking Gender
  2 (0%)
Third Text
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Topics in Cognitive Science
  2 (0%)
Transforming Anthony Trollope. <em>Dispossession</em>, Victorianism and Nineteenth-Century Word and Image
  2 (0%)
Translating America. Importing, Translating, Misrepresenting, Mythicizing, Communicating America
  2 (0%)
Translating America. The Circulation of Narratives, Commodities, and Ideas between Italy, Europe, and the United States
  2 (0%)
Translationswissenschaft. Alte und neue Arten der Translation in Theorie und Praxis
  2 (0%)
Transmediale Texturen. Lektüren zum Film und angrenzenden Künsten
  2 (0%)
Transmediating the Whedonverse(s). Essays on Texts, Paratexts, and Metatexts
  2 (0%)
Transposition, Migration und KörperGrenzen in der Romania
  2 (0%)
Trash Aesthetics. Popular Culture and its Audience
  2 (0%)
Typen von Wissen. Begriffliche Unterscheidung und Ausprägungen in der Praxis des Wissenstransfers
  2 (0%)
  2 (0%)
Unnatural Narratives – Unnatural Narratology
  2 (0%)
Verjüngte Antike. Griechisch-römische Mythologie und Historie in zeitgenössischen Kinder- und Jugendmedien
  2 (0%)
Via Panorâmica
  2 (0%)
Vingtième Siècle
  2 (0%)
Visual Culture
  2 (0%)
Visual Past
  2 (0%)
Visual Studies
  2 (0%)
Visuelle Medien im DaF-Unterricht
  2 (0%)
Von Game of Thrones bis House of Cards. Politische Perspektiven in Fernsehserien
  2 (0%)
Von Mund zu Ohr via Archiv in die Welt. Beiträge zum mündlichen, literarischen und medialen Erzählen
  2 (0%)
Westermanns Pädagogische Beiträge
  2 (0%)
Wiener digitale Revue
  2 (0%)
Will Eisner. A Retrospective
  2 (0%)
World Englishes
  2 (0%)
Writing and Seeing. Essays on Word and Image
  2 (0%)
Yearbook of the National Reading Conference
  2 (0%)
Zeithistorische Forschungen. Studies in Contemporary History
  2 (0%)
Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung
  2 (0%)
Zeitschrift für Germanistik
  2 (0%)
Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft
  2 (0%)
Žižek and Law
  2 (0%)
  1 (0%)
‘Tantalizing Alice’. Approaches, Concepts and Case-Studies in Adaptations of a Classic
  1 (0%)
›Holocaust‹-Fiktion. Kunst jenseits der Authentizität
  1 (0%)
„It's all Greek to me“: Mehrsprachigkeit aus interdisziplinärer Sicht
  1 (0%)
« Image-in ». Culture de l’image, culture d’enfance. De l’image concrète aux animations du virtuel
  1 (0%)
«Poema a fumetti» di Dino Buzzati nella cultura degli anni ’60 tra fumetto, fotografia e arti visive
  1 (0%)
»Ästhetisierung«. Der Streit um das Ästhetische in Politik, Religion und Erkenntnis
  1 (0%)
»Nervöse Auffangsorgane des inneren und äußeren Lebens«: Karikaturen
  1 (0%)
»risus sacer – sacrum risibile«. Interaktionsfelder von Sakralität und Gelächter im kulturellen und historischen Wandel
  1 (0%)
»Wann ordnest Du Deine Bücher?« Die Bibliothek H. C. Artmann
  1 (0%)
(Dis)Courses. Essays on Architecture History and Theory
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
<em>Convivencia</em>. Dialogische Studien von Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft zu ambivalenten Deutungsmustern gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens in Spanien
  1 (0%)
<em>Don Quixote</em>: Interdisciplinary Connections
  1 (0%)
100 Most Popular Science-Fiction Authors. Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies
  1 (0%)
1000 und 1 Buch
  1 (0%)
17th Annual Eaton Conference
  1 (0%)
1843 Magazine
  1 (0%)
1914–1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
  1 (0%)
1st International Workshop on Computational Document Forensics. IWCDF 2017
  1 (0%)
9/11 and its Remediations in Popular Culture and Arts in Africa
  1 (0%)
9th International Conference on Word and Image Studies, L'imaginaire / The Imaginary
  1 (0%)
A Companion to American Gothic
  1 (0%)
A Companion to Crime Fiction
  1 (0%)
A Companion to Film Noir
  1 (0%)
A Companion to Literature and Film
  1 (0%)
A Companion to Literature, Film, and Adaptation
  1 (0%)
A Companion to Media Authorship
  1 (0%)
A Critical Approach to the Apocalypse
  1 (0%)
A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries 1950–1975
  1 (0%)
A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures. Continental Europe and Its Empires
  1 (0%)
A History of the Bildungsroman
  1 (0%)
A New Companion to the Gothic
  1 (0%)
A Question of Time. American Literature from Colonial Encounter to Contemporary Fiction
  1 (0%)
A vuelta de página. Usos del impreso ilustrado en Buenos Aires, siglos XIX–XX
  1 (0%)
Abenteuer zwischen Wirtschaftswunder und Rebellion. Karl May in den 60er Jahren
  1 (0%)
Abstraction and Comics / Bande dessinée et l’abstraction
  1 (0%)
Academia Letters
  1 (0%)
Academic Forum
  1 (0%)
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
  1 (0%)
Academic Psychiatry
  1 (0%)
Acht-Punkte-Proklamation des poetischen Actes. Weiteres zu H.C. Artmann
  1 (0%)
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
  1 (0%)
Across Languages and Cultures
  1 (0%)
Acta Educationis Generalis
  1 (0%)
Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostraviensis. Studia Germanistica
  1 (0%)
Acta Iassyensia Comparationis
  1 (0%)
Acta Litterarum
  1 (0%)
Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales
  1 (0%)
Action TV. Tough Guys, Smooth Operators and Foxy Chicks
  1 (0%)
Adaptation, Awards Culture, and the Value of Prestige
  1 (0%)
Adaptations. From Text to Screen, Screen to Text
  1 (0%)
Adapting Canonical Texts in Children’s Literature
  1 (0%)
Adapting Nineteenth-Century France. Literature in Film, Theatre, Television, Radio and Print
  1 (0%)
Adapting Poe. Re-Imaginings in Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Advanced Science Letters
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Aesthetics. A Reader in Philosophy of the Arts
  1 (0%)
Aesthetics. A Reader in Philosophy of the Arts
  1 (0%)
African and Asian Studies
  1 (0%)
African Arts
  1 (0%)
African Identities
  1 (0%)
Afrika Spectrum
  1 (0%)
Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere
  1 (0%)
After the Machine. Visual Arts and the Erasing of Cultural Boundaries
  1 (0%)
Afterimages of Slavery. Essays on Appearances in Recent American Films, Literature, Television and Other Media
  1 (0%)
Agent in the Agency. Media, Popular Culture, and Everyday Life in America
  1 (0%)
Ages of Heroes, Eras of Men
  1 (0%)
Aggression and Violent Behavior
  1 (0%)
AJS Review
  1 (0%)
Akademisk kvarter
  1 (0%)
AkDaF Rundbrief
  1 (0%)
Akten des 10. Österreichischen Archäologentages in Graz 7.–9. November 2003
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Aktualität des Apokalyptischen. Zwischen Kulturkritik und Kulturversprechen
  1 (0%)
Aktuelle Probleme der angewandten Übersetzungswissenschaft. Sprachliche und außersprachliche Faktoren der Fachübersetzung
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Alice beyond Wonderland. Essays for the Twenty-First Century
  1 (0%)
All-Gemeinwissen. Kulturelle Kommunikation in populären Medien
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi – Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur
  1 (0%)
Alte Sprachen in der Krise? Analysen und Programme
  1 (0%)
Alternative Media
  1 (0%)
Amazonen – Kriegerische Frauen
  1 (0%)
Ambiguous Selves. Contesting Gender Binaries in Literature, Film and the Media
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
American Academy of Religion annual conference 2013
  1 (0%)
American Creative Non-Fiction
  1 (0%)
American Heritage
  1 (0%)
American Heroes in a Media Age
  1 (0%)
American Indian Culture and Research Journal
  1 (0%)
American Indian Stereotypes in the World of Children. A Reader and Bibliography
  1 (0%)
American Indians and Popular Culture. Media, Sports, and Politics
  1 (0%)
American Journal of Economics and Sociology
  1 (0%)
American Journal of Public Health
  1 (0%)
American Journal of Sociology
  1 (0%)
American Literature in Transition, 1980–1990
  1 (0%)
American Mercury
  1 (0%)
American Music
  1 (0%)
American Speech
  1 (0%)
American Studies as Media Studies
  1 (0%)
American, British and Canadian Studies
  1 (0%)
Amerika. Traum und Depression 1920/40
  1 (0%)
Amerikanische Fernsehserien der Gegenwart. Perspektiven der American Studies und der Media Studies
  1 (0%)
Amerikanisches Erzählen nach 2000. Eine Bestandsaufnahme
  1 (0%)
Amérique Latine Histoire et Mémoire. Les Cahiers ALHIM
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
An allen Fronten. Kriege und politische Konflikte in Kinder- und Jugendmedien
  1 (0%)
Anais do Seminário Nacional de Literatura, História e Memória
  1 (0%)
Analyse af billedmedier – en introduktion
  1 (0%)
Anarchist Studies
  1 (0%)
Anatomical Sciences Education
  1 (0%)
Anblick / Augenblick. Ein interdisziplinäres Symposion
  1 (0%)
Ancient Magic and the Supernatural in the Modern Visual and Performing Arts
  1 (0%)
Ancient Rome Refocused
  1 (0%)
Andere Klassik. Das Werk von Christian August Vulpius (1762–1827)
  1 (0%)
Anderswelten in Serie. Dokumentation einer Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Tutzing in Kooperation mit der AVJ – Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Jugendbuchverlagen e.V. vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2002
  1 (0%)
Ang Lee
  1 (0%)
Angewandte Ethnologie. Perspektiven einer anwendungsorientierten Wissenschaft
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Anglica (Warsaw, Poland)
  1 (0%)
Anglica Wratislaviensia
  1 (0%)
Anglistentag 1999 Mainz. Proceedings
  1 (0%)
Anglistentag 2010 Saarbrücken. Proceedings
  1 (0%)
anglistik & englischunterricht
  1 (0%)
AnimaniA Sonderheft
  1 (0%)
Animation and Memory
  1 (0%)
Animation Studies
  1 (0%)
Anime & Manga. Faszination des Fremden
  1 (0%)
Annals of Family Medicine
  1 (0%)
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
  1 (0%)
Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
  1 (0%)
anthropogénie. un darwinisme des sciences humaines
  1 (0%)
anthropogeny. humane sciences in a darwinian way
  1 (0%)
Anti-Tales. The Uses of Disenchantment
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos
  1 (0%)
Anuário de Literatura
  1 (0%)
Anything Grows. 15 Essays zur Geschichte, Ästhetik und Bedeutung des Bartes
  1 (0%)
API Magazin
  1 (0%)
Applied Developmental Psychology. Theory, Practice, and Research from Japan
  1 (0%)
Approaches to Drawing in Architecture and Urban Design
  1 (0%)
Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare's <em>Hamlet</em>
  1 (0%)
Appropriating History. The Soviet Past in Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Arbeit am Bild. Ein Album für Michael Diers
  1 (0%)
Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik
  1 (0%)
Arbeitskreis Bild Druck Papier Tagungsband Breslau 2016. Wrocław – Europäische Kulturhauptstadt 2016
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Art History
  1 (0%)
Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies
  1 (0%)
Art, Narrative and Childhood
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Artistic Bedfellows. Histories, Theories, and Conversations in Collaborative Art Practices
  1 (0%)
Arts & Education International Research Journal
  1 (0%)
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Asia Culture Forum 2006
  1 (0%)
Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies
  1 (0%)
Asian Cinema
  1 (0%)
Aspects of Fantasy. Selected Essays from the Second International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Aspekte – Impulse und Beispiele zur Vermittlung historischer Kunst
  1 (0%)
Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Yearbook
  1 (0%)
Ästhetik der Kinderliteratur
  1 (0%)
Ästhetik des Ereignisses. Sprache – Geschichte – Medium
  1 (0%)
Ästhetik des Zufalls. Ordnungen des Unvorhersehbaren in Literatur und Theorie
  1 (0%)
Ästhetik und Ästhetisierung in Japan
  1 (0%)
Ästhetik. Aufgabe(n) einer Wissenschaftsdisziplin
  1 (0%)
Ästhetische Transgressionen
  1 (0%)
Ästhetischer Heroismus. Konzeptionelle und figurative Paradigmen des Helden
  1 (0%)
At Home in the Whedonverse. Essays on Domestic Place, Space and Life
  1 (0%)
Ateliers. Cahiers de la Maison de la Recherche
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Atlantic Journal of Communication
  1 (0%)
Atlantic Studies
  1 (0%)
Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies
  1 (0%)
Auf heißer Spur in allen Medien. Kinder- und Jugendkrimis zum Lesen, Hören, Sehen und Klicken
  1 (0%)
Auslassen, Andeuten, Auffüllen. Der Film und die Imagination des Zuschauers
  1 (0%)
Australasian Political Studies Association Conference
  1 (0%)
Australian Journal of Communication
  1 (0%)
Australian Journal of Language and Literacy
  1 (0%)
Authorship in Context. From the Theoretical to the Material
  1 (0%)
Auto/Biography Studies
  1 (0%)
Autobiographie. Eine interdisziplinäre Gattung zwischen klassischer Tradition und (post-)moderner Variation
  1 (0%)
Avant Canada. Poets, Prophets, Revolutionaries
  1 (0%)
Aventiure und Eskapade. Narrative des Abenteuerlichen vom Mittelalter zur Moderne
  1 (0%)
Aztlán. A Journal of Chicano Studies
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Babylon. Beiträge zur jüdischen Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Bad Girls of Japan
  1 (0%)
Balkanistic Forum
  1 (0%)
Banal Militarism. Zur Veralltäglichung des Militärischen im Zivilen
  1 (0%)
Bande annonce. Cinéma et bande dessinée
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Barthes’ <em>Mythologies</em> Today. Readings of Contemporary Culture
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Batman und andere himmlische Kreaturen. Nochmal 30 Filmcharaktere und ihre psychischen Störungen
  1 (0%)
BDSM in American Science Fiction and Fantasy
  1 (0%)
Beckett in Popular Culture. Essays on a Postmodern Icon
  1 (0%)
Bédé, ciné, pub et art. D’un média à l’autre
  1 (0%)
Beiträge zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
  1 (0%)
Beiträge zur Text- und Stilanalyse
  1 (0%)
Belgien im Blick: Interkulturelle Bestandsaufnahmen – Regards croisés sur la Belgique contemporaine – Blikken op België: Interculturele Beschouwingen
  1 (0%)
Below Critical Radar. Fanzines and Alternative Comics from 1976 to now
  1 (0%)
Bending Bodies. Moulding Masculinities
  1 (0%)
Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies
  1 (0%)
Berlin. Bilder einer Metropole in erzählenden Medien für Kinder und Jugendliche
  1 (0%)
Between History and Personal Narrative. East European Women’s Stories of Migration in the New Millenium
  1 (0%)
Between the Urge to Know and the Need to Deny. Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British and American Literature
  1 (0%)
Beyond Adaptation. Essays on Radical Transformations of Original Works
  1 (0%)
Beyond Classical Narration. Transmedial and Unnatural Challenges
  1 (0%)
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
  1 (0%)
Bild und Begriff
  1 (0%)
Bild und Bildung. Praxis, Reflexion, Wissen im Kontext von Kunst und Medien
  1 (0%)
Bild und Text. Methoden und Methodologien visueller Sozialforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft
  1 (0%)
Bilder des Holocaust. Literatur – Film – Bildende Kunst
  1 (0%)
Bilder in Medien, Kunst, Literatur, Sprache, Didaktik
  1 (0%)
Bilder vom Mittelalter. Vorstellungen von einer vergangenen Epoche und ihre Inszenierung in modernen Medien
  1 (0%)
Bilder zu "Klassikern"
  1 (0%)
Bilder. Bücher. Bytes. Zur Medialität des Alltags
  1 (0%)
Bilderbuch und Illustration in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
  1 (0%)
Bildergeschichten und Comics in der Grundschule. Unterrichtsvorschläge
  1 (0%)
Bilderwelten. Vom Bildzeichen zur CD-ROM
  1 (0%)
Bildlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit in der deutschen Kultur zwischen Barock und Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Bildlichkeit. Aspekte einer Theorie der Darstellung
  1 (0%)
Binky Brown meets The Holy Virgin Mary
  1 (0%)
Blake, Modernity and Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege
  1 (0%)
Blätter für die Lehrerfortbildung
  1 (0%)
Blechtrommeln. Kinder- und Jugendliteratur & Musik
  1 (0%)
Blickpunkte der Germanistik. Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, Linguistik und Fremdsprachendidaktik
  1 (0%)
Blind Spots – eine Filmgeschichte der Blindheit vom frühen Stummfilm bis in die Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung
  1 (0%)
Bodies in Flux. Embodiments at the End of Anthropocentrism
  1 (0%)
Body and Text. Cultural Transformations in New Media Environments
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Bonzer. Australian Comics, 1900s–1990s
  1 (0%)
Boston Review
  1 (0%)
boundary 2
  1 (0%)
Brain and Language
  1 (0%)
brand eins
  1 (0%)
Brazilian Journalism Research
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
British Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Since 1960
  1 (0%)
British Journal of Aesthetics
  1 (0%)
British Journal of Sociology of Education
  1 (0%)
British Medical Journal
  1 (0%)
British Science Fiction Film and Television. Critical Essays
  1 (0%)
Brno Studies in English
  1 (0%)
Buch und Bild als gesellschaftliche Kommunikationsmittel in Japan einst und jetzt
  1 (0%)
Bücher – Schlüssel zum Leben, Tore zur Welt
  1 (0%)
Bücher haben ihre Geschichte. Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, Literatur und Nationalsozialismus, Deutschdidaktik
  1 (0%)
Bücherei und Blldung
  1 (0%)
Budapest and New York. Studies in Metropolitan Transformation, 1870–1930
  1 (0%)
Buffy Meets the Academy. Essays on the Episodes and Scripts as Text
  1 (0%)
Buffy to Batgirl. Essays on Female Power, Evolving Femininity and Gender Roles in Science Fiction and Fantasy
  1 (0%)
Building Bridges for Multimodal Research. International Perspectives on Theories and Practices of Multimodal Analysis
  1 (0%)
Bulletin de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles
  1 (0%)
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
  1 (0%)
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
  1 (0%)
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
  1 (0%)
C21 Literature
  1 (0%)
Cadres et limites dans les sociétés, les littératures et les arts en Amérique du Nord
  1 (0%)
Cahier voor de literatuurwetenschap
  1 (0%)
Cahiers d’Études Hongroises et Finlandaises
  1 (0%)
Cahiers de la Méditerranée
  1 (0%)
Cahiers de médiologie
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
California Historical Quarterly
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Camera Obscura
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Canadian Children’s Literature
  1 (0%)
Canadian Journal of Irish Studies
  1 (0%)
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
  1 (0%)
Canadian Modern Language Review
  1 (0%)
Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference
  1 (0%)
Capitalism Nature Socialism
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Carmen. Ein Mythos in Literatur, Film und Kunst
  1 (0%)
Cartooning in Africa
  1 (0%)
Cartoonist Profiles
  1 (0%)
Cartoons Magazine
  1 (0%)
Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies
  1 (0%)
CBE—Life Sciences Education
  1 (0%)
CEA Critic
  1 (0%)
Celebrity Studies
  1 (0%)
Central States Speech Journal
  1 (0%)
Cerebus the Barbarian Messiah. Essays on the Epic Graphic Satire of Dave Sim and Gerhard
  1 (0%)
Characters in Fictional Worlds. Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media
  1 (0%)
Cheeky Fictions. Laughter and the Postcolonial
  1 (0%)
Chicago Daily News
  1 (0%)
Children of the Yellow Kid. The Evolution of the American Comic Strip
  1 (0%)
Children’s Geographies
  1 (0%)
China Information
  1 (0%)
China, Japan und das <em>Andere</em>. Ostasiatische Identitäten im Zeitalter des Transkulturellen
  1 (0%)
Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Cinépassion – The Sequel. Eine psychoanalytische Filmrevue
  1 (0%)
Civic Media. Technology, Design, Practice
  1 (0%)
Civilisation of Evolution, Civilisation of Revolution. Metamorphoses in Japan 1900–2000
  1 (0%)
Classica Cracoviensia
  1 (0%)
Classical and Modern Literature
  1 (0%)
Classical Myth on Screen
  1 (0%)
Classical Receptions Journal
  1 (0%)
Classical Traditions in Science Fiction
  1 (0%)
Clinical Nursing Research
  1 (0%)
Clôtures et mondes clos dans les espaces ibériques et ibéro-américains
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Cognitive Linguistics
  1 (0%)
Collected Prose
  1 (0%)
College & Research Libraries
  1 (0%)
College Composition and Communication
  1 (0%)
Collision of Realities
  1 (0%)
Columbia Journalism Review
  1 (0%)
Comedy. A Geographic and Historical Guide
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Comic Book Movies
  1 (0%)
Comic Book Resources
  1 (0%)
Comic Books, Graphic Novels and the Holocaust. Beyond Maus
  1 (0%)
Comic Books, Special Collections, and the Academic Library
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Comics & Archive
  1 (0%)
Comics & Naturwissenschaften
  1 (0%)
Comics and Agency
  1 (0%)
Comics and Conflicts
  1 (0%)
Comics and Graphic Novels (Teacher Resources)
  1 (0%)
Comics and Memory in Latin America
  1 (0%)
Comics Forum 2010: Women in Comics II
  1 (0%)
Comics in der Schule
  1 (0%)
Comics in der Schule. Theorie und Unterrichtspraxis
  1 (0%)
Comics Studies Conference
  1 (0%)
Comix. Contemporary New Zealand Comics
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Communicatio Socialis
  1 (0%)
Communication Booknotes
  1 (0%)
Communication Monographs
  1 (0%)
Communication Research
  1 (0%)
Communication Studies
  1 (0%)
Communications Research. 1948–1949
  1 (0%)
Compact Cinematics. The Moving Image in the Age of Bit-Sized Media [Compact Cinematics]
  1 (0%)
Comparative American Studies
  1 (0%)
Comparative Literature Studies
  1 (0%)
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East
  1 (0%)
Compendium heroicum
  1 (0%)
Composition Studies
  1 (0%)
Computer als Medium
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Concise Encyclopedia of Pragmatics
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Conflicting Narratives of Crime and Punishment
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Consequential Art. Comics Culture in Contemporary Spain
  1 (0%)
Conspectus: A Journal of English Studies
  1 (0%)
Consuming for Pleasure. Selected Essays on Popular Fictions
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Contemporary French and Francophone Narratology
  1 (0%)
Contemporary Islam
  1 (0%)
Contemporary Japan
  1 (0%)
Contemporary Literary Criticism. Modernism Through Poststructuralism
  1 (0%)
Contemporary Research on Intertextuality in Video Games
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Contexts of Violence in Comics
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Corporeal Practices. (Re)figuring the Body in French Studies
  1 (0%)
Corpus Mundi
  1 (0%)
Corpus-based Studies in Language Use Language Learning and Language Documentation
  1 (0%)
Creative Review
  1 (0%)
Creativity and the Agile Mind. A Multi-Disciplinary Exploration of a Multi-Faceted Phenomenon
  1 (0%)
Creativity Studies
  1 (0%)
Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership
  1 (0%)
Crime Fiction. A Critical Casebook
  1 (0%)
Crime Scenes. Modern Crime Fiction in an International Context
  1 (0%)
Crimina. Die Antike im modernen Kriminalroman
  1 (0%)
Criminal Justice Review
  1 (0%)
Critical Approaches to the Films of M. Night Shyamalan. Spoiler Warnings
  1 (0%)
Critical Arts
  1 (0%)
Critical Discourse Studies
  1 (0%)
Critical Ends
  1 (0%)
Critical Humanities
  1 (0%)
Critical Library Instruction. Theories and Methods
  1 (0%)
Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning
  1 (0%)
Critical Perspectives on Twentieth Century Japanese Thought
  1 (0%)
Critical Perspektives on Artificial Humans in Children’s Literature
  1 (0%)
Critical Studies on Terrorism
  1 (0%)
Critical Survey
  1 (0%)
Critical Theory and Social Justice
  1 (0%)
Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction
  1 (0%)
Crossing borders. Interdisciplinary approaches to Africa
  1 (0%)
Cuadernos Literarios
  1 (0%)
CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic
  1 (0%)
Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia
  1 (0%)
Cultura y Educación
  1 (0%)
Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies
  1 (0%)
Cultural Studies and Cultural Industries in Northeast Asia. What a Difference a Region Makes
  1 (0%)
Cultural Studies of James Joyce
  1 (0%)
Cultural Studies. An Anthology
  1 (0%)
Culture & Psychology
  1 (0%)
Culture and Language. Multidisciplinary Case Studies
  1 (0%)
Culture and the King. The Social Implications of the Arthurian Legend
  1 (0%)
Culture and the Making of Worlds
  1 (0%)
Culture, Society & Masculinities
  1 (0%)
Cultures of Addiction
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Cycles, Sequels, Spin-offs, Remakes, and Reboots. Multiplicities in Film and Television
  1 (0%)
Dante Alighieri und sein Werk in Literatur, Musik und Kunst bis zur Postmoderne
  1 (0%)
Dante deutsch. Die deutsche Dante-Rezeption im 20. Jahrhundert in Literatur, Philosophie, Künsten und Medien
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Das Altertum
  1 (0%)
Das Argument. N.F. Sonderband
  1 (0%)
Das Bilderbuch. Geschichte und Entwicklung des Bilderbuchs von de Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Das erzählende und das erzählte Bild
  1 (0%)
Das Kind im Leser. Phantastische Texte als <em>all-ages</em>-Lektüre
  1 (0%)
Das Komische in der Kultur
  1 (0%)
Das Kunstwerk
  1 (0%)
Das Mörderische neben dem Leben. Ein Wegbegleiter durch die Welt der Kriminalliteratur
  1 (0%)
Das Populäre der Gesellschaft. Systemtheorie und Populärkultur
  1 (0%)
Das Salgari-Abenteuer. Intermediale Adaptionen eines italienischen Klassikers
  1 (0%)
Das Vergnügen in und an den Medien. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
  1 (0%)
Day Care and Early Education
  1 (0%)
De la estaca al martillo. Un viaje por los universos de Joss Whedon, de Buffy a los Vengadores
  1 (0%)
De la rhétorique des passions à l’expression du sentiment
  1 (0%)
Death in Classic and Contemporary Film. Fade to Black
  1 (0%)
Debating the Difference. Gender, Representation and Self-Representation
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Deleuze and Film
  1 (0%)
Demitizzazione e immagine
  1 (0%)
Den jyske historiker
  1 (0%)
Den norske barnelitteraturen gjennom 200 år. Lesebøker, barneblad, bøker, tegneserier
  1 (0%)
Der automatisierte Körper. Literarische Visionen des künstlichen Menschen vom Mittelalter bis zum 21. Jahrhundert
  1 (0%)
Der Bildhunger der Literatur
  1 (0%)
Der Daumen des Panda. Betrachtungen zur Naturgeschichte
  1 (0%)
Der Differenz auf der Spur. Frauen und Gender in Aschkenas
  1 (0%)
Der Erste Weltkrieg in der populären Erinnerungskultur
  1 (0%)
Der fantastische Film
  1 (0%)
Der Holocaust und die Künste. Medialität und Authentizität von Holocaust-Darstellungen in Literatur, Film, Video, Malerei, Denkmälern, Comic und Musik
  1 (0%)
Der komische Körper. Szenen – Figuren – Formen
  1 (0%)
Der Surrealismus in der Mediengesellschaft – zwischen Kunst und Kommerz
  1 (0%)
Der Text des Bildes. Möglichkeiten und Mittel eigenständiger Bilderzählung
  1 (0%)
Der Vampir in den Kinder- und Jugendmedien
  1 (0%)
Deutschdidaktik und berufliche Bildung
  1 (0%)
Deutschland Archiv
  1 (0%)
Deutschland, deine Kinder. Zur Prägung von Feindbildern in Ost und West
  1 (0%)
Dexter and Philosophy. Mind over Spatter
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Dialog der Künste. Intermediale Fallstudien zur Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
  1 (0%)
Diálogos de la comunicación
  1 (0%)
Diálogos intertextuales 2: Bambi. Estudios de literatura infantil y juvenil alemana e inglesa: trasvases semióticos
  1 (0%)
Diálogos intertextuales 3: En busca de la voz femenina. Temas de género en la literatura infantil y juvenil de la Península Ibérica y Latinoamérica
  1 (0%)
Dialogue Analysis IX: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, Part 2: Media
  1 (0%)
Dibrugarh Journal of English Studies
  1 (0%)
Die Adresse des Mediums.
  1 (0%)
Die boshafte Heiterkeit des Wilhelm Busch
  1 (0%)
Die Dritte Welt im Kinderbuch
  1 (0%)
Die Einstellung ist die Einstellung. Visuelle Konstruktionen des Judentums
  1 (0%)
Die Entschlüsselung der Bilder. Methoden zur Erforschung visueller Kommunikation. Ein Handbuch
  1 (0%)
Die erzählerische Dimension. Eine Gemeinsamkeit der Künste
  1 (0%)
Die Gegenwart des Holocaust. »Erinnerung« als religionspädagogische Herausforderung
  1 (0%)
Die heimlichen Erzieher. Kinderbücher und politisches Lernen
  1 (0%)
Die Helden-Maschine. Zur Aktualität und Tradition von Heldenbildern
  1 (0%)
Die Horen
  1 (0%)
Die Jagd auf die Nymphe Echo. Zur Technisierung der Wahrnehmung in der Frühen Neuzeit
  1 (0%)
Die janusköpfigen 50er Jahre
  1 (0%)
Die Mobilisierung des Sehens. Zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte des Films in Literatur und Kunst
  1 (0%)
Die Ordnung der Natur. Vorträge zu historischen Gärten und Parks in Schleswig-Holstein
  1 (0%)
Die phantastische Stadt
  1 (0%)
Die populäre Literatur. Analysen literarischer Randbereiche an slavischem und deutschem Material
  1 (0%)
Die Schönheiten des Populären. Ästhetische Erfahrung der Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Die Vermessung der Globalisierung. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
  1 (0%)
Die Völkerwanderung. Mythos – Forschung – Vermittlung
  1 (0%)
Die Welt im Bild erfassen. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Bilderbuch
  1 (0%)
Die Zeit
  1 (0%)
Die Zeitreise. Ein Motiv in Literatur und Film für Kinder und Jugendliche
  1 (0%)
Die Zoologie der Träume. Studien zum Tiermotiv in der Literatur der Moderne
  1 (0%)
Die Zukunft
  1 (0%)
Differenzen leben. Kulturwissenschaftliche und geschlechterkritische Perspektiven auf Inklusion und Exklusion
  1 (0%)
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
  1 (0%)
Digitale Barrierefreiheit in der Bildung weiter denken. Innovative Impulse aus Praxis, Technik und Didaktik
  1 (0%)
Digressions. Amsterdam Journal of Critical Theory, Cultural Analysis, and Creative Writing
  1 (0%)
Dioskuren, Konkurrenten und Zitierende. Paarkonstellationen in Sprache, Kultur und Literatur
  1 (0%)
Diskursmarker, Konnektoren, Modalwörter. Marqueurs du discours, connecteurs, adverbes modaux et particules modales
  1 (0%)
Diskussion Deutsch
  1 (0%)
Documentary Box
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Doing Science + Culture
  1 (0%)
Dolmen Europa
  1 (0%)
Domínios da Imagem
  1 (0%)
Dostoevskii's Overcoat. Influence, Comparison, and Transposition
  1 (0%)
Doubling the Point. Essays and Interviews
  1 (0%)
Dracula in Visual Media. Film, Television, Comic Book and Electronic Game Appearances, 1921–2010
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Drawing the Line. Comics Studies and <em>INKS</em>, 1994–1997
  1 (0%)
Drawing the Past. Comics and the Historical Imagination
  1 (0%)
Dripping with Fear. The Steve Ditko Archives Volume 5
  1 (0%)
Droit et Liberté
  1 (0%)
Drug and Alcohol Review
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Dystopia, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalypse. Classics – New Tendencies – Model Interpretations
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Early Childhood Education Journal
  1 (0%)
East Asian Cinemas. Exploring Transnational Connections on Film
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Ecological Economics
  1 (0%)
Ecomedia. Key Issues
  1 (0%)
Economic Geography
  1 (0%)
Écrire et traduire pour les enfants. Voix, images et mots/Writing and Translating for Children. Voices, Images and Texts
  1 (0%)
Écrire la ville
  1 (0%)
Edgar Allan Poe Review
  1 (0%)
Edges of Trauma. Explorations in Visual Art and Literature
  1 (0%)
Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Educating through Popular Culture. You’re Not Cool Just Because You Teach with Comics
  1 (0%)
Education sciences
  1 (0%)
Educational Media International
  1 (0%)
Educational, Psychological, and Behavioral Considerations in Niche Online Communities
  1 (0%)
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice
  1 (0%)
Eighteenth-Century Studies
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
El comic es algo serio
  1 (0%)
ELLE Proceedings 2011
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Empirical Comics Research. Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods
  1 (0%)
Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications
  1 (0%)
Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention
  1 (0%)
End-Zeit-Kommunikation. Diskurse der Temporalität
  1 (0%)
Englisch betrifft uns
  1 (0%)
English in Education
  1 (0%)
English Literature in Transition, 1880–1920
  1 (0%)
English Studies
  1 (0%)
English Studies in Canada
  1 (0%)
English Text Construction
  1 (0%)
Enter: The Comics. Rodolphe Töpffer’s Essay on Physiognomy and the true Story of Monsieur Crépin
  1 (0%)
Entertainment-Education and Social Change
  1 (0%)
Envisioning <em>The Tale of Genji</em>. Media, Gender, and Cultural Production
  1 (0%)
Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung
  1 (0%)
Erich Maria Remarque Jahrbuch
  1 (0%)
Erzählen in Wort und Bild. Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis kinder- und jugendliterarischer Erzählwelten
  1 (0%)
Erzählen. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch
  1 (0%)
Erzählformen im Computerspiel. Zur Medienmorphologie digitaler Spiele
  1 (0%)
Erzählforschung. Theorien, Modelle und Methoden der Narrativik
  1 (0%)
Erzählgattungen der Trivialliteratur
  1 (0%)
Erzählkulturen im Medienwandel
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Essays in French Literature and Culture
  1 (0%)
Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense
  1 (0%)
Estudos Teológicos
  1 (0%)
Ethik in Serie
  1 (0%)
Ethnic Life Writing and History. Genre, Performance, and Culture
  1 (0%)
Études de communication
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Europäische Kinderbücher in drei Jahrhunderten
  1 (0%)
European Journal of Communication
  1 (0%)
European Journal of International Relations
  1 (0%)
European Journal of Jewish Studies
  1 (0%)
European Readings of American Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Evocative Objects. Things We Think With
  1 (0%)
Evolution and Popular Narrative
  1 (0%)
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
  1 (0%)
Examining Lois Lane. The Scoop on Superman’s Sweetheart
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Expectations and Experiences. Children, Childhood & Children's Literature
  1 (0%)
Experimental Narratives from the Novel to Digital Storytelling
  1 (0%)
Explorations: A Graduate Student Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
  1 (0%)
Explorations: The Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Journal for the State of North Carolina
  1 (0%)
Exploring the Fantastic. Genre, Ideology, and Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
f.lm. texte zum film
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%) Colloques en ligne
  1 (0%)
Fairy Tales Reimagined. Essays on New Retellings
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Fandom, Now in Color. A Collection of Voices
  1 (0%)
Fantasie und Aufklärung. Historische Miniaturen
  1 (0%)
Fantastika Journal
  1 (0%)
Fantasy. Studien zur Phantastik
  1 (0%)
Fashion & War in Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Fat Studies
  1 (0%)
Faulkner and Humor
  1 (0%)
Faust 20e. Échos de l'ego. Le démon de Faust ou l’homme et ses démons
  1 (0%)
Faust. Annäherung an einen Mythos
  1 (0%)
Fear and Learning. Essays on the Pedagogy of Horror
  1 (0%)
Fear and Nature. Ecohorror Studies in the Anthropocene
  1 (0%)
Feminism and the Politics of Difference
  1 (0%)
Feminism for Girls. An Adventure Story
  1 (0%)
Feminist Philosophy Quarterly
  1 (0%)
Feminist Teacher
  1 (0%)
Feministische Studien
  1 (0%)
Fifties Horror
  1 (0%)
Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction
  1 (0%)
Figurationen des Bösen. Ein Kompendium
  1 (0%)
Figures de l’Art
  1 (0%)
Fiktion im Vergleich der Künste und Medien
  1 (0%)
Fiktionalität. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch
  1 (0%)
Filling the Hole in the Nuclear Future. Art and Popular Culture Respond to the Bomb
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Film and Fiction for French Historians. A Cultural Bulletin
  1 (0%)
Film Matters
  1 (0%)
Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan Productions. Remake/Remodel
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Filmwissenschaftliche Genreanalyse. Eine Einführung
  1 (0%)
Filológiai Közlöny
  1 (0%)
Five Dials
  1 (0%)
Floating Worlds. Essays on Contemporary New Zealand Fiction
  1 (0%)
Florida Educational Leadership
  1 (0%)
Folge um Folge. Multiple Perspektiven auf die Fernsehserie
  1 (0%)
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia
  1 (0%)
Folklore Forum
  1 (0%)
For Better or Worse: The American Influence in the World
  1 (0%)
Foreign Language Annals
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Formen der Figur. Figurenkonzepte in Künsten und Medien
  1 (0%)
Forschungsfeld Wissenschaftskommunikation
  1 (0%)
FORUM Homosexualität und Literatur
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Fourth Genre
  1 (0%)
Fra decadenza e fumetto. Voci, rumori & musica nella letteratura italiana del ’900. Saggi I
  1 (0%)
Framing Film. Cinema and the Visual Arts
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Frankenstein and Its Classics. The Modern Prometheus from Antiquity to Science Fiction
  1 (0%)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung [F.A.Z.]
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Frauen in Kultur und Gesellschaft. Ausgewählte Beiträge der 2. Fachtagung Frauen-/Gender-Forschung in Rheinland-Pfalz
  1 (0%)
Freiburger Rundbrief. Zeitschrift für christlich-jüdische Begegnung
  1 (0%)
Freiburger Universitätsblätter
  1 (0%)
Fremdkontrolle. Ängste – Mythen – Praktiken
  1 (0%)
Fremdkörper? Aspekte der Geisteswissenschaften in der Auslandsgermanistik und im DaF-Unterricht
  1 (0%)
French Forum
  1 (0%)
French Historical Studies
  1 (0%)
French Perspectives on Media, Participation and Audiences
  1 (0%)
French Studies
  1 (0%)
Friendly Fire. Deadline-Texte
  1 (0%)
Frightful Witnessing. The Rhetoric and (Re)Presentation of Fear, Horror and Terror
  1 (0%)
From Art Nouveau to Surrealism. Belgian Modernity in the Making
  1 (0%)
From Bourgeois to Booije. Black Middle-Class Performances
  1 (0%)
From Medievalism to Early-Modernism. Adapting the English Past
  1 (0%)
From Text to Txting. New Media in the Classroom
  1 (0%)
From the Cradle to the Grave. Life-Course Models in Literary Genres
  1 (0%)
From the European South
  1 (0%)
From Theory to Practice 2014. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Anglophone Studies
  1 (0%)
Frontiers in Education
  1 (0%)
Frontiers of History in China
  1 (0%)
Fucine Mute
  1 (0%)
Fumetto International. Trasformazioni del fumetto contemporaneo
  1 (0%)
Funny Cuts. Cartoons and Comics in Contemporary Art
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Future Females, The Next Generation. New Voices and Velocities in Feminist Science Fiction Criticism
  1 (0%)
Games and Culture
  1 (0%)
Gaming Globally. Production, Play, and Place
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Gattung und Geschichte. Literatur- und medienwissenschaftliche Ansätze zu einer neuen Gattungstheorie
  1 (0%)
Gefährliche Maskulinitäten. Männlichkeit und Subversive am Rande der Kulturen
  1 (0%)
Gelesene Literatur. Populäre Lektüre im Medienwandel
  1 (0%)
Gemälderedereien. Zur literarischen Diskursivierung von Bildern
  1 (0%)
Gender & Language
  1 (0%)
Gender and Contemporary Horror in Television
  1 (0%)
Gender and Generation
  1 (0%)
Gender and Judaism. The Transformation of Tradition
  1 (0%)
Gender and Power in the Japanese Visual Field
  1 (0%)
Gender and the Media. Women’s Places
  1 (0%)
Gender in Popular Culture. Images of Men and Women in Literature, Visual Media and Material Culture
  1 (0%)
Gender und Genre. Populäre Serialität zwischen kritischer Rezeption und geschlechtertheoretischer Reflexion
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Genealogy of Popular Science. From Ancient Ecphrasis to Virtual Reality
  1 (0%)
Genetic Counseling
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Geography Compass
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Georgia State University Law Review
  1 (0%)
German Language Children’s and Youth Literature in the Media Network 1900–1945
  1 (0%)
Germanic Review
  1 (0%)
Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Gesammelter Sand. Essays
  1 (0%)
Geschichte der Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Geschichte für heute
  1 (0%)
Geschichte und Gesellschaft
  1 (0%)
Geschichte und Mythos in Comics und Graphic Novels
  1 (0%)
GeschichtsBilder. Historische Jugendbücher aus vier Jahrhunderten
  1 (0%)
Geschlecht und Geschichte in populären Medien
  1 (0%)
Geschlechtergedächtnisse. Gender-Konstellationen und Erinnerungsmuster in Literatur und Film der Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Gesellschaft im Film
  1 (0%)
Gestaltungsraum Deutschunterricht. Literatur – Kultur – Sprache
  1 (0%)
Gestern | Romantik | Heute
  1 (0%)
Getting Culture
  1 (0%)
Gewalt in aktuellen Kinder- und Jugendmedien. Von der Verherrlichung bis zur Ächtung eines gesellschaftlichen Phänomens
  1 (0%)
Gewalt. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch
  1 (0%)
Girl Culture. An Encyclopedia
  1 (0%)
Girlhood Studies
  1 (0%)
Global Frankenstein
  1 (0%)
Global Goes Local. Popular Culture in Asia
  1 (0%)
Global Health Promotion
  1 (0%)
Global Perspectives
  1 (0%)
Global Perspectives in Changing Sex Role
  1 (0%)
Global Perspectives on Eco-Aesthetics and Eco-Ethics. A Green Critique
  1 (0%)
Globalizing Japan. Ethnography of the Japanese presence in Asia, Europe, and America
  1 (0%)
Glossar der Bildphilosophie
  1 (0%)
GLQ. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Going Graphic. Comics and Graphic Novels for Young People
  1 (0%)
Golem L’Indispensabile
  1 (0%)
Good & Evil
  1 (0%)
Good Madness. A Collection of Essays on the Work of Neil Gaiman
  1 (0%)
Gothic Animals. Uncanny Otherness And The Animal With-Out
  1 (0%)
Gothic Bastards. Genre, Innovation and Contemporary Fictions
  1 (0%)
Gothic Science Fiction 1980–2010
  1 (0%)
Gotteswort und Menschenrede. Die Bibel im Dialog mit Wissenschaften, Künsten und Medien
  1 (0%)
Graduate Consortium of Women's Studies (GCWS) Symposium: “Power and (In)Visibility”
  1 (0%)
Graphic Novels
  1 (0%)
Graphic Novels and Comics in Libraries and Archives. Essays on Readers, Research, History and Cataloging
  1 (0%)
Graphic Novels and Comics in the Classroom. Essays on the Educational Power of Sequential Art
  1 (0%)
Graphic Novels Beyond The Basics. Insights and Issues for Libraries
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Great Divides: Transgressing Boundaries
  1 (0%)
Green Lantern and Philosophy. No Evil Shall Escape this Book
  1 (0%)
Green Letters
  1 (0%)
Grenzüberschreitend forschen. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Trans*Syndrome
  1 (0%)
Gruesome! The Influence of Comics on Contemporary New Zealand Artists
  1 (0%)
Grundbegriffe Medienpädagogik
  1 (0%)
Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Erzählen
  1 (0%)
Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Lesen
  1 (0%)
Gutes Leben auf dem Land? Imaginationen und Projektionen vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Haare hören – Strukturen wissen – Räume agieren. Berichte aus dem Interdisziplinären Labor »Bild Wissen Gestaltung«
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Autobiography/Autofiction. Volume I: Theory and Concepts
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Autobiography/Autofiction. Volume III: Exemplary Texts
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Comics and Graphic Narratives
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Cultural Studies and Education
  1 (0%)
Handbook of French Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Japanese Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Latin American Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Medieval Studies. Terms, Methods, Trends
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Transatlantic American Studies
  1 (0%)
Handbook of Translation Studies Online
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Biographie. Methoden, Traditionen, Theorien
  1 (0%)
Handbuch der literarischen Gattungen
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Erzählliteratur. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Kanon und Wertung. Theorien, Instanzen, Geschichte
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Kinder und Medien
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Kriminalliteratur. Theorien – Geschichte – Medien
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Literatur & Visuelle Kultur
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Medien der Literatur
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Medienwissenschaft
  1 (0%)
Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung
  1 (0%)
Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Von 1850 bis 1900
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
HARTS and Minds
  1 (0%)
Harvard Law Review
  1 (0%)
Harvard Political Review
  1 (0%)
Hasenfuß und Löwenherz. Tiere und Tierwesen in der phantastischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Health Communication
  1 (0%)
Health Humanities in Application
  1 (0%)
Heimweh. Illusionsspiele in Hollywood
  1 (0%)
Hemingway in Comics
  1 (0%)
Herodot und das Persische Weltreich
  1 (0%)
Heroen – Helden. Eine Geschichte der literarischen Exorbitanz von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Heroes and Philosophy. Buy the Book, Save the World
  1 (0%)
Heroes and Villains. Everyday Folks, Powers and Abilities Far Beyond Mortals
  1 (0%)
Heroes Anywhere and Forever. From a German, Indian and American Perspective
  1 (0%)
Heroes, Heroines, and Everything in Between. Challenging Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes in Children's Entertainment Media
  1 (0%)
Herzenspein und Nasenschmerz. Karikaturen und Comics im Wilhelm-Busch-Museum Hannover, Deutsches Museum für Karikatur und kritische Grafik
  1 (0%)
Hispania Nova
  1 (0%)
Hispanic Research Journal
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
  1 (0%)
Historical Reenactment. From Realism to the Affective Turn
  1 (0%)
Historiographic Metafiction in Modern American and Canadian Literature
  1 (0%)
Historisk tidskrift
  1 (0%)
History and Anthropology
  1 (0%)
History and Heritage. Consuming the Past in Contemporary Culture
  1 (0%)
History and Memory After Auschwitz
  1 (0%)
History from South Africa. Alternative Visions and Practices
  1 (0%)
History of the Human Sciences
  1 (0%)
History Research
  1 (0%)
History Today
  1 (0%)
History Workshop
  1 (0%)
History Workshop Journal
  1 (0%)
History, Theme, and Technique
  1 (0%)
History: Reviews of New Books
  1 (0%)
Hollywood im Zeitalter des Post Cinema. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme
  1 (0%)
Holocaust Literature
  1 (0%)
Holocaust Remembrance. The Shapes of Memory
  1 (0%)
Homo narrans. Studien zur populären Erzählkultur. Festschrift für Siegfried Neumann zum 65. Geburtstag
  1 (0%)
Hong Kong. The Anthropology of a Chinese Metropolis
  1 (0%)
Horror als Alltag. Texte zu »Buffy the Vampire Slayer«
  1 (0%)
Horror to the Extreme. Changing Boundaries in Asian Cinema
  1 (0%)
Horrors of War. The Undead, and the Battlefield
  1 (0%)
Howard the Duck
  1 (0%)
Human and Social Studies
  1 (0%)
Human Development
  1 (0%)
Humor in der arabischen Kultur. Humor in Arabic Culture
  1 (0%)
Humour and Laughter in History. Transcultural Perspectives
  1 (0%)
IASL online
  1 (0%)
ICFAI Journal of English Studies
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Icons of the American Comic Book. From Captain America to Wonder Woman
  1 (0%)
ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries. Vol. 1: Theory, Research Methodology, Aesthetics, Human Factors and Education
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
III Congreso de Historia Social; Las figuras del desorden: heterodoxos, proscritos y marginados
  1 (0%)
IkonoTexte - Duale Mediensituationen
  1 (0%)
Il novo giorno. Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft
  1 (0%)
Illuminating Letters. Typography and Literary Interpretation
  1 (0%)
Illustrationen in Kinderbibeln. Von Luther bis zum Internet
  1 (0%)
Im Moment des ›Mehr‹ Mediale Prozesse jenseits des Funktionalen
  1 (0%)
Image & Text
  1 (0%)
Image et Récit. Littérature(s) et arts visuels du Canada
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Images et sons de Mai 68. 1968–2008
  1 (0%)
Images in Use. Towards the Critical Analysis of Visual Communication
  1 (0%)
Images re-vues
  1 (0%)
Images That Injure. Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media [Images that Injure]
  1 (0%)
Imagination Beyond Nation. Latin American Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Imagine Nation. The American Counterculture of the 1960's and 70's
  1 (0%)
Imagined Worlds
  1 (0%)
Imagining Outer Space. European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Improvisation und Invention. Momente, Modelle, Medien
  1 (0%)
In Medias Res
  1 (0%)
Index to Thesis with Abstracts
  1 (0%)
Indiana Review
  1 (0%)
Inflation der Mythen? Zur Vernetzung und Stabilität eines modernen Phänomens
  1 (0%)
Information & Culture
  1 (0%)
Informationen Jugendliteratur und Medien, 37 (1985), 3, 47-49
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Inseln der Hoffnung – Literarische Utopien in der Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Interactions, Images and Texts. A Reader in Multimodality
  1 (0%)
Interactive Narratives, New Media & Social Engagement
  1 (0%)
Interaktioner. Om kunstarternes produktive mellemværender
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
  1 (0%)
Interkulturalität und Alltag
  1 (0%)
Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Texten und Diskursen
  1 (0%)
Interlinguistische Informationen, Beiheft
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Intermedialitet. Ord, bild och ton i samspel
  1 (0%)
Intermedien. Zur kulturellen und artistischen Übertragung
  1 (0%)
International Comic Arts Forum
  1 (0%)
International Communication Gazette
  1 (0%)
International Conference Youth in/and Literature & Society
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Early Years Education
  1 (0%)
International Journal Of Interactive Digital Media
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Learning and Media
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Persian Literature
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Science Education
  1 (0%)
International Journal of Science Education, Part B
  1 (0%)
International Journal of the Humanities
  1 (0%)
International Political Science Review
  1 (0%)
International Political Sociology
  1 (0%)
International Studies Perspectives
  1 (0%)
Internationale neerlandistiek: een vak in beweging
  1 (0%)
Interrogating Popular Culture. Deviance, Justice And Social Order
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Invisible Culture
  1 (0%)
Iranian Studies
  1 (0%)
Iris: A Journal about Women
  1 (0%)
Irish Theological Quarterly
  1 (0%)
Is Diss a System? A Milt Gross Comic Reader
  1 (0%)
Is This a Culture of Trauma? An Interdisciplinary Perspective
  1 (0%)
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
  1 (0%)
Issues in Architecture Art & Design
  1 (0%)
Italian Studies
  1 (0%)
Itchy Planet
  1 (0%)
Jack Kirby
  1 (0%)
Jack the Ripper. Media, Culture, History
  1 (0%)
Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik
  1 (0%)
Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung
  1 (0%)
Jahrbuch für finnisch-deutsche Literaturbeziehungen
  1 (0%)
Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik
  1 (0%)
Janosch. Katalog, mit einer vorläufigen Bibliographie seiner bisher erschienenen Bücher
  1 (0%)
Japan — Europa. Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Kulturen im Film und den darstellenden Künsten
  1 (0%)
Japan aktuell
  1 (0%)
Japan Review
  1 (0%)
Japan-Lesebuch 3. »Intelli«
  1 (0%)
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
  1 (0%)
Japanese Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Japanische Bruchkanten. Konturen der kankei nai-Kultur
  1 (0%)
Jason Conquers America
  1 (0%)
Jessica Jones, Scarred Superhero. Essays on Gender, Trauma and Addiction in the Netflix Series
  1 (0%)
Jewish Culture and History
  1 (0%)
Jewish Musical Modernism, Old and New
  1 (0%)
Jewish Quarterly Review
  1 (0%)
Jews and American Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media
  1 (0%)
Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations
  1 (0%)
Journal Ethnologie
  1 (0%)
Journal for Cultural Research
  1 (0%)
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Academic Librarianship
  1 (0%)
Journal of Aesthetics & Culture
  1 (0%)
Journal of American & Comparative Cultures
  1 (0%)
Journal of American History
  1 (0%)
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
  1 (0%)
Journal of Black Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
  1 (0%)
Journal of Business Ethics
  1 (0%)
Journal of Cancer Education
  1 (0%)
Journal of Children and Media
  1 (0%)
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Cognitive Psychology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Communication
  1 (0%)
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Contemporary Religion
  1 (0%)
Journal of Creative Communications
  1 (0%)
Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
  1 (0%)
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Cultural Economics
  1 (0%)
Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts
  1 (0%)
Journal of Development Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Educational Psychology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Electronic Publishing
  1 (0%)
Journal of European Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory
  1 (0%)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
  1 (0%)
Journal of Folklore Research
  1 (0%)
Journal of French Language Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Greek Media & Culture
  1 (0%)
Journal of Holocaust Research
  1 (0%)
Journal of Homosexuality
  1 (0%)
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science
  1 (0%)
Journal of Information Science
  1 (0%)
Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics
  1 (0%)
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication
  1 (0%)
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
  1 (0%)
Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Language and Literacy Education
  1 (0%)
Journal of LGBT Youth
  1 (0%)
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
  1 (0%)
Journal of Literacy Research
  1 (0%)
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Literary Education
  1 (0%)
Journal of Management History
  1 (0%)
Journal of Material Culture
  1 (0%)
Journal of Media Literacy Education
  1 (0%)
Journal of Modern African Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of New Zealand Literature
  1 (0%)
Journal of Organizational Ethnography
  1 (0%)
Journal of Peace Education
  1 (0%)
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
  1 (0%)
Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults
  1 (0%)
Journal of Romance Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of School Health
  1 (0%)
Journal of Science & Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Journal of Science & Technology Law
  1 (0%)
Journal of Services Marketing
  1 (0%)
Journal of Sex Research
  1 (0%)
Journal of Social Psychology
  1 (0%)
Journal of Southern African Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Statistical Mechanics
  1 (0%)
Journal of Surgical Education
  1 (0%)
Journal of Teaching Writing
  1 (0%)
Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry
  1 (0%)
Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
  1 (0%)
Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.
  1 (0%)
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology
  1 (0%)
Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
  1 (0%)
Journal of the History of Collections
  1 (0%)
Journal of the Royal Musical Association
  1 (0%)
Journal of the University Film Association
  1 (0%)
Journal of Vaishnava Studies
  1 (0%)
Journal of Victorian Culture
  1 (0%)
Journal of Visual Culture
  1 (0%)
Journal of Writing in Creative Practice
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Journalism Practice
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Joyce in Context
  1 (0%)
Jüdische Literatur und Kultur in Großbritannien und den USA nach 1945
  1 (0%)
Jugend Film Fernsehen
  1 (0%)
Jugend und Buch
  1 (0%)
Jules Romains et les écritures de la simultanéité. Galsworthy, Musil, Döblin, Dos Passos, Valéry, Simon, Butor, Peeters, Plissart
  1 (0%)
Jurnal Komunikasi Visual WIMBA
  1 (0%)
Justitiabilität und Rechtmäßigkeit. Verrechtlichungsprozesse von Literatur und Film in der Moderne
  1 (0%)
K-A CAPA alpha
  1 (0%)
Kaboom! Comic in der Kunst. Comics in Art
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Kafka’s Creatures. Animals, Hybrids, and Other Fantastic Beings
  1 (0%)
Kakanien Revisited
  1 (0%)
kaliber .38
  1 (0%)
Karl May & Co.
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Katholische Erziehung
  1 (0%)
Kathrin Röggla
  1 (0%)
Kertomuksen keinoin.Tarinallisuus mediassa ja tietokirjallisuudessa
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Keywords for Children’s Literature
  1 (0%)
Keywords for Comics Studies
  1 (0%)
Kiddie Lit. The Cultural Construction of Children’s Literature in America
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Kieler Blätter zur Volkskunde [Kieler Blätter]
  1 (0%)
Kill All Your Darlings. Pieces 1990–2005
  1 (0%)
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Historische, erzähl- und medientheoretische, pädagogische und therapeutische Perspektiven
  1 (0%)
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Zur Typologie und Funktion einer literarischen Gattung
  1 (0%)
Kinder, Literatur, neue Medien
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Kinderwelten. Kinder und Kindheit in der neueren Literatur
  1 (0%)
Kindlers Literatur Lexikon
  1 (0%)
Kindliches Erzählen – Erzählen für Kinder. Erzählerwerb, Erzählwirklichkeit und erzählende Kinderliteratur
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
King Arthur in Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
King Arthur Through the Ages
  1 (0%)
Kinogefühle. Emotionalität und Film
  1 (0%)
kjl&m extra
  1 (0%)
Klassiker der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Knowledge Organization [KO]
  1 (0%)
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
  1 (0%)
Komik • Medien • Gender. Ergebnisse des Kasseler Komik-Kolloquiums
  1 (0%)
Kommunikation im Populären. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein ganzheitliches Phänomen
  1 (0%)
Kommunikation. Aspekte zum Deutschunterricht
  1 (0%)
Kommunikationspolitik in Forschung und Anwendung
  1 (0%)
Kommunikative Funktionen des Buchs I: Moral, Tabus und Skandale in der Buchkommunikation
  1 (0%)
Komparatistische Perspektiven auf Dantes ›Divina Commedia‹
  1 (0%)
Konfigurationen des Fremden in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur nach 1945
  1 (0%)
Konflikt und Kooperation. Die Ostsee als Handlungs- und Kulturraum
  1 (0%)
Konspiration. Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens
  1 (0%)
Körper – Verkörperung – Entkörperung
  1 (0%)
Körpergeschichten. Körper als Fluchtpunkte medialer Biografisierungspraxen
  1 (0%)
Korpora. Die Online-Datensammlung des Projekts sprache@web
  1 (0%)
Korrespondenzen. Visuelle Kulturen zwischen früher Neuzeit und Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Krankheit, Sterben und Tod im Leben und Schreiben europäischer Schriftstelle. Bd. 1: Das 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
  1 (0%)
Krieg in den Medien
  1 (0%)
Kriegsdiskurse in Literatur und Medien nach 1989
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Kritische Wälder. Essays, Kritiken, Glossen
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
kultur & geschlecht
  1 (0%)
Kultur & klasse
  1 (0%)
Kulturelle Repräsentationen des Holocaust in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten
  1 (0%)
Kulturen des Kleinen. Mikroformate in Literatur, Kunst und Medien
  1 (0%)
Kulturgeschichte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts: Die Kultur der fünfziger Jahre
  1 (0%)
Kulturkontakte. Szenen und Modelle in deutsch-japanischen Kontexten
  1 (0%)
Kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte der Transplantation
  1 (0%)
Kunst – Garten – Kultur
  1 (0%)
Kunst an den Rändern. Wie aus Bildern und Objekten Kunst werden kann
  1 (0%)
Kunst der Revolte // Revolte der Kunst. Perspektiven auf die langen 60er Jahre in Frankfurt am Main
  1 (0%)
Kunst der Serie. Die Serie in den Künsten
  1 (0%)
Kunst und Politik
  1 (0%)
Kunstforum international
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
Kunsthistorische Arbeitsblätter
  1 (0%)
Kunstunterricht – fächerverbindend und fachüberschreitend. Ansätze, Beispiele und Methoden für die Klassenstufen 5 bis 13
  1 (0%)
Kursbuch Kulturwissenschaft
  1 (0%)
KZ. Magazyn miłośników komiksu
  1 (0%)
L’art macabre
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
L’état de la bande dessinée. Vive la crise?
  1 (0%)
L’hétérogénéité du visuel. T. 3: Intermédialité visuelle
  1 (0%)
L’humour graphique fin de siècle. De Goossens à Daumier, de Caran d’Ache à Glen Baxter
  1 (0%)
L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature
  1 (0%)
La Brèche
  1 (0%)
La langue, les signes et les êtres. Actes du colloque de l'Institut d'Etudes Romanes de l'Université de Copenhague, le 3 octobre 1998
  1 (0%)
La Lettre de l’AiRDF
  1 (0%)
La linea inquieta. Emozioni e ironia nel fumetto
  1 (0%)
La mécanique du détail. Approches transversales
  1 (0%)
La mort en questions. Approches anthropologiques de la mort et du mourir
  1 (0%)
La Palabra y el Hombre
  1 (0%)
Laboratorium för folk och kultur
  1 (0%)
Labour / Le Travail
  1 (0%)
Labour / Le Travail
  1 (0%)
  1 (0%)
LachArten. Zur ästhetischen Repräsentation des Lachens vom späten 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
  1 (0%)
Language and Education
  1 (0%)
Language and Literature
  1 (0%)
Language, Thought and Education: Across Systems
  1 (0%)
Langue française
  1 (0%)
Latin American Research Review
  1 (0%)
Latino/a Popular Culture
  1 (0%)
Latitude 63° North. Proceedings of the 8th International Region and Nation Literature Conference
  1 (0%)
Lauschen und Überhören. Literarische und mediale Aspekte auditiver Offenheit
  1 (0%)
Law and Contemporary Problems
  1 (0%)
Law and Humanities
  1 (0%)
Le bovarysme et la littérature de langue anglaise
  1 (0%)
Le Collectionneur de bandes dessinées
  1 (0%)
Le Corbusier, 50 years later
  1 (0%)
Le Moyen Âge en bulles
  1 (0%)
Le Muse. Grande dizionario critico di arti visive, letteratura, musica e teatro
  1 (0%)
Le Récit minimal. Du minime au minimalisme. Littérature, arts, médias
  1 (0%)
Le Tour du monde d’Astérix
  1 (0%)
Learning with Literature in the EFL Classroom
  1 (0%)
Lebende Sprachen
  1 (0%)
Lebendige Schule
  1 (0%)
Leibesvisitationen. Der Körper als mediales Politikum in den (post)sozialistischen Kulturen und Literaturen
  1 (0%)
Lenses on Blindness. Essays on Vision Loss in Media, Culture, Religion and Experience
  1 (0%)