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Bemong, Nele. "Exploration # 6: The Uncanny in Mark Z. Danielewski’s “House of Leaves”." Image [&] Narrative 3. 1 2003. Accessed 26Dec. 2013. <http://www.imageandnarr ... /uncanny/nelebemong.htm>. 
Added by: joachim (12/26/13, 4:01 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
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BibTeX citation key: Bemong2003
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Categories: General
Keywords: "House of Leaves", Danielewski. Mark Z., Fantastic, Freud. Sigmund, Psychoanalysis, Randformen des Comics, USA
Creators: Bemong
Collection: Image [&] Narrative
Views: 46/1548
Attachments   URLs   http://www.imagean ... nny/nelebemong.htm
This essay offers an approach of Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves (2000) – a postmodernist blend of literature, architecture, philosophy and film/documentary that self-reflexively incorporates the meta-narrative perspective of theory and criticism – within the framework of the prevailing psycho-analytical theories of the uncanny. The novel can be regarded as a narrative repetition of Freud’s theorisation as put forward in his essay “The ‘Uncanny’”, where Jentsch’s postulation of intellectual uncertainty is replaced by Freud’s concept of suppression. In this essay I will primarily investigate why the main characters Navidson and his wife Karen created the impenetrable and unfathomable labyrinth that suddenly appears in their house. This investigation will reveal both real and phantasmatic traumas and will ultimately lead to Freud's concept of the death drive.
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