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Lupoff, Richard A. and Don Thompson, eds. All in Color for a Dime. New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1970. 
Added by: joachim (12/13/13, 1:08 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0870000624
BibTeX citation key: Lupoff1970
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Categories: General
Keywords: Archive, Collection of essays, Memoria, USA
Creators: Lupoff, Thompson
Publisher: Arlington House (New Rochelle)
Views: 20/1199
Attachments   URLs   http://www.dialbfo ... .com/archives/102/
Where are the superheroes of yesterday? Where is Captain Marvel, Batman, Superman, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, the Flash, and all their fabulous clan! And who were they … and what did they do … and who created them … and above all what finally happened to them? To the millions and millions who devoured their adventures in the days when comics magazines flooded the newsstands ALL IN COLOR FOR A DIME these characters and their breathtaking heroics were never-to-be-forgotten thrill-a-minute high spots of life. And now, in this information-packed, nostalgic book the thrills and wonders are once again available. Here’s the story of the great days of the greatest heroes told by the men who read them and cherished them.

Table of Contents

Dick Lupoff and Don Thompson: Introduction (11)

Ted White: The Spawn of M.C. Gaines (20)
Richard Ellington: Me To Your Leader Take (44)
Dick Lupoff: The Big Red Cheese (66)
Bill Blackbeard: The First (arf, arf) Superhero of Them All (96)
Don Thompson: OK, Axis, Here We Come! (124)
Tom Fagan: One On all And All On One (148)
Jim Harmon: A Swell Bunch of Guys (170)
Chris Steinbrenner: The Four-Panelled, Sock-Bang-Powie Saturday Afternoon Screen (198)
Roy Thomas: Captain Billy’s Whiz Gang! (218)
Ron Goulart: The Second Banana Superheroes (240)
Harlan Ellison: Comic of the Absurd (254)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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