Resource type: Book Chapter Language: en: English BibTeX citation key: Round2014a Email resource to friend View all bibliographic details |
Categories: General Keywords: "From Hell", "The Invisibles", "The Walking Dead", Adlard. Charlie, Body, Campbell. Eddie, Geography, Horror, Kirkman. Robert, Moore. Alan, Morrison. Grant, Space, United Kingdom, USA Creators: Dittmer, Round Publisher: Franz Steiner (Stuttgart) Collection: Comic Book Geographies |
Views: 51/1496
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Abstract |
“This chapter will use gothic theory to analyse the uses of spatiality in the landscapes of three contemporary comics and especially their links to temporality (given the time-as-space narratology of comics). After noting the (more traditional) strategies used in From Hell (Alan Moore/Eddie Campbell, 1988–89) and The Invisibles (Grant Morrison/various, 1996–2002), the main discussion will focus on The Walking Dead (Robert Kirkman/Charlie Adlard, 2003–present). Although set in diverse cultures and eras, these comics seem peculiarly gothic in their treatments of time and space.”