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Suter, Rebecca. "Gender Bending and Exoticism in Japanese Girls’ Comics." Asian Studies Review 37. (2013): 546–58. 
Added by: joachim (9/9/13, 3:00 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (11/25/15, 1:40 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/10357823.2013.832111
BibTeX citation key: Suter2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Europe, Interculturalism, Japan, Manga, Religion
Creators: Suter
Collection: Asian Studies Review
Views: 23/908
Gender bending has been a staple of the medium of shōjo manga, Japanese girls’ comics, as best exemplified by cross-dressing “girl knight” characters and “Boys Love” stories, whose plots focus on romance between effeminate beautiful young men. The imaginary space created through the representation of these figures shares many traits in common with another typical feature of shōjo comics, namely their exoticisation of Europe. Both have been used as simultaneously escapist and subversive strategies, as a refuge from contemporary social norms and a platform for critical reflection. In this article, I aim to problematise our understanding of the connection between gender bending and exoticism in shōjo manga through an analysis of the representation of one specific aspect of European culture – namely, the Christian religion – in the genre of Boys Love manga.
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