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Brillenburg Wurth, Kiene, Sara Rosa Espi, and Inge van de Ven. "Visual Text and Media Divergence: Analogue literary writing in a digital age." European Journal of English Studies 17. (2013): 92–108. 
Added by: joachim (8/25/13, 3:02 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/13825577.2013.757014
BibTeX citation key: BrillenburgWurth2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Avantgarde, Body, Literature, Materiality, Randformen des Comics
Creators: Brillenburg Wurth, Espi, van de Ven
Collection: European Journal of English Studies
Views: 46/1612
This article explores current reinventions of the paper page and the book-object as bearers of visual text in the digital age. How has the literary evolved as a verbal-visual art in the digital age, pronouncedly ‘bookish’ in spite or because of its overall digital mode of production? The authors focus on works illustrative of three genres – Mark Z. Danielewski’s novel Only Revolutions (2006a), Louise Paillé’s artbook Livres-livres (1993–2004), and ET Russian’s personal zine Ring of Fire #3 (1999) – showing how the digital does not erase but produces ‘analogue’ or paper-based writing anew. How does the digital provide new meanings, and modes for such writing to pronounce itself? With respect to the works discussed, the authors argue that such ‘analogue’ writing is presented as an embodied writing: a writing addressed towards the body, but also presenting itself as a visceral, bodily act. They approach this embodied writing as an instance of media divergence: a dynamic of contrastive, material differences between ‘analogue’ and ‘digital’ media in the present.
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