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Karrer, Wolfgang. "Zur Analyse von Comics: Am Beispiel ›Dennis the Menace‹." anglistik & englischunterricht 2. (1977): 93–108. 
Added by: joachim (6/16/13, 5:45 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/16/13, 5:58 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: de: Deutsch
BibTeX citation key: Karrer1977
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Dennis the Menace", Advertisement, Critique of ideology, Didactics, Ketcham. Hank, USA
Creators: Diller, Karrer
Publisher: Volksfreund-Druckerei (Trier)
Collection: anglistik & englischunterricht
Views: 36/1017
“A 9-page (26 picture-) episode (‘Open House’) from the comic book Dennis the Menace (1977, 149, Jan) is content-analyzed on the basis of a 17-element framework including such items as time relationships, metaphor, irony, emphasis, etc. A deep contradiction is found in this sequence between picture & text. The text tells an amusing story of Dennis, his curiosity & mischief, but the pictures continuously direct the viewer to airplanes & instruments as the real center of the story, & an airplane is depicted in a sales situation. Two of 3 page-size advertisements in the comic book in fact offer model airplanes as prizes for selling flower seeds or letter paper to family or friends. Seemingly, the young reader is introduced to the salesman’s role by the comic strip & then encouraged to provide cheap labor for mail order businesses. The Dennis episodes are geared to the general middle class as a community of consumers.”

(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)

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