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Gil González, Antonio J. "Comics and the Graphic Novel in Spain and Iberian Galicia." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 13. 5 2011. Accessed 5Apr. 2012. <>. 
Added by: Martin de la Iglesia (4/5/12, 10:53 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/6/12, 7:41 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: GilGonzalez2011a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Genre, Narratology, Paratext, Semiotics
Creators: Gil González
Collection: CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
Views: 23/1257
Attachments   URLs   http://docs.lib.pu ... web/vol13/iss5/17/
In his article, “Comics and the Graphic Novel in Spain and Iberian Galicia,” Antonio J. Gil González develops a comparative and interart analysis of graphic novels by examining the evolution of the genre on the Spanish peninsula in general and in Galicia in particular. Gil González builds his analysis on Roman Ingarden’s concept of literature as not only traditional fiction, but also theater and cinema. Gil González presents his argumentation by identifying the peculiarities of the comic as a medium, starting with its historical beginnings, and discussing its principal formats and generic and thematic variants. Further, he discusses the principal semiological and narratological variables in comicographic language using the arguments of Román Gubern. Gil González’s discussion is based on the importation of the genre from Anglophone North America and from Europe (i.e., France, Germany, Belgium, etc.).
Added by: Martin de la Iglesia  Last edited by: joachim
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