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de la Iglesia, Martin. Hamburg’s warehouse district in Martin tom Dieck’s hundert Ansichten der Speicherstadt. 9th International Conference on Word and Image Studies, L'imaginaire / The Imaginary: Montreal, 22–26 Aug, 2011. 
Added by: Martin de la Iglesia (11/23/11, 7:46 PM)   Last edited by: Martin de la Iglesia (12/8/11, 7:04 PM)
Resource type: Conference Paper
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: delaIglesiaa
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Categories: General
Keywords: "hundert Ansichten der Speicherstadt", Architecture, City, Germany, tom Dieck. Martin
Creators: de la Iglesia
Publisher: IAWIS/AIERTI (Montreal)
Collection: 9th International Conference on Word and Image Studies, L'imaginaire / The Imaginary
Views: 27/2080
Attachments   Full text / Volltext.pdf [1/485] URLs   http://nbn-resolvi ... :hebis:30:3-233283
Most texts that deal with Martin tom Dieck’s black-and-white comic hundert Ansichten der Speicherstadt (Zürich: Arrache Cœur, 1997, French title: Vortex) claim that it depicts the eponymous warehouse district (Speicherstadt) in Hamburg. As this paper shows, this claim is inaccurate: although the architecture in tom Dieck’s drawings clearly refers to buildings in the warehouse district, the differences in the details are so obvious, that to speak of a straightforward depiction of the Speicherstadt is oversimplifying. After a brief comparison with Christoph Schäfer’s picture book Die Stadt ist unsere Fabrik (Leipzig: Spector Books, 2010), the paper concludes with a discussion of the depiction of urban environments in general and in tom Dieck's book in particular.
Added by: Martin de la Iglesia  Last edited by: Martin de la Iglesia
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