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Steiff, Josef and Tristan D. Tamplin, eds. Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder. Popular Culture and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court, 2010. 
Added by: joachim (5/29/11, 3:55 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780812696707
BibTeX citation key: Steiff2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: Animation, Collection of essays, Japan, Philosophy, Randformen des Comics
Creators: Steiff, Tamplin
Publisher: Open Court (Chicago)
Views: 20/1535
These books teach philosophical wisdom by looking closely at entertainment icons. In each volume of this best-selling series, a team of sharp philosophical brains puts one pop culture icon (movie, TV show, or other topic) under the microscope, exposing its hidden philosophical implications in an instantly readable way. This book examines some of the most loved, best-known and intriguing anime films and series to find what lies at their core, underneath the typical but by no means ubiquitous visual elements of big eyes, big hair and bright colors. “Akira”, “Astro Boy”, “Cowboy Bebop”, “Death Note”, “Dragon Ball Z”, “Full Metal Alchemist”, “Ghost in the Shell”, “Grave of the Fireflies”, “Gundam”, “Gunslinger Girls”, “Highlander”, “Magnetic Rose”, “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, “Robotech”, and “Spirited Away” are just a few of the films you'll find analyzed in this volume. Some you may have heard of, others may be completely new to you. But don’t be fooled, these are not children’s stories. These are stories about monsters, witches, robots, children and spirits who grapple with questions of societal violence, ethics, morality, justice, heroism, identity and the soul, whether in the midst of World War-II or long after World War-III, whether in a magical valley or on a malevolent space station. If you’ve been wondering why so many people love anime or even if you’re already a true otaku, “Anime and Philosophy” will give you a deeper appreciation for not just the art but also the storytelling of Japan's animated films, TV series and OVA (original video animation).

Table of Contents

Previews and Coming Attractions (ix)
Believe It! (ix)
Margo Coughlin Zimmerman: Accidental Anime (xiii)

Body (1)
1. Shana Heinricy: Take a Ride on the Catbus (3)
2. Christie Barber, Mio Bryce, and Jason Davis: The Making of Killer Cuties (13)
3. Angus McBlane: Just a Ghost in a Shell? (27)

Mind (39)
4. Benjamin Stevens: I Am Tetsuo (41)
5. John Hartung: The CPU Has Its Reasons (55)
6. Josef Steiff: Eye Am (67)

Spirit (91)
7. Cari Callis: Nothing that Happens Is Ever Forgotten (93)
8. Adam Barkman: Did Santa Die on the Cross? (105)
9. Daniel Haas: Why Nice Princesses Don’t Always Finish Last (121)

Conflict (131)
10. Louis Melançon: Just War Is No Gouf (133)
11. Ian M. Peters: The Search for Vengeance (143)
12. Andrew Terjesen: The Possibility of Perfection (155)

Heroes (169)
13. Benjamin Chandler: Alchemic Heroes (171)
14. Alicia Gibson: Astro Boy and the Atomic Age (181)
15. Hal Shipman: Grave of the Child Hero (193)

Devils (203)
16. D.E. Wittkower: Human Alchemy and the Deadly Sins of Capitalism (205)
17. Andrew A. Dowd: Everything You Never Wanted to Know about Sex and Were Afraid to Watch (219)
18. Sara Livingston: The Devil Within (233)

Future Perfect (219)
19. Sarah Penicka-Smith: Cyborg Songs for an Existential Crisis (261)
20. Dan Dinello: Cyborg Goddess (275)
21. Andrew Wells Garnar: It's the End of the Species as We Know It, and I Feel Anxious (287)

Special Features (301)
Tristan D. Tamplin: Alternate Ending: Bide Your Time and Hold Out Hope (303)
Credits (307)
Subtitles (313)
Making of … (319)
Easter Eggs (329)
Deleted Scenes (335)
Scene Selections (339)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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