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Nolen-Weathington, Eric. José Luis García-Lopez. Modern Masters. Raleigh: TwoMorrows, 2005. 
Added by: joachim (10/4/10, 11:05 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1893905446
BibTeX citation key: NolenWeathington2005
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Categories: General
Keywords: García-Lopez. José Luis, Illustrated text, Interview, USA
Creators: Nolen-Weathington
Publisher: TwoMorrows (Raleigh)
Views: 17/946
Ask any comic book artist who the best draftsman in the business is, and you'll come up with one answer: José Luis García-Lopez. A master of anatomy, composition, and storytelling, he not only astounds his readers, but his peers as well. He is also one of the most visible artists in the industry, as his illustrations can be seen on toy packaging, in DC's “Got Milk?” advertisements, and even on jars of peanut butter. But it's his work on DC's Big Three (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman) that earned José Luis García-Lopez the title of Modern Master.
Added by: joachim  
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