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Lukach, Katherine M. "Transformative Encounters in the Works of Neil Gaiman." Master’s paper M.S. University of North Carolina, 2007. 
Added by: joachim (8/18/10, 1:16 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/21/17, 4:06 PM)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Lukach2007
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Sandman", Campbell. Joseph, Fantasy, Gaiman. Neil, Jung. Carl Gustav, Myth, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Lukach
Publisher: University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Views: 20/1352
Attachments   URLs   https://cdr.lib.un ... -bfe0-b0245bfe814e
This study attempts to address the lack of research in the area of comic books and graphic novels, popular materials, and psychological approaches to literature. Literature on the topic is generally lacking, and is characterized by the need to provide evidence in favor of the scholarly merit of popular materials and previously neglected methodologies. The author used the works of Joseph Campbell to inform a content analysis of a sample of the works of British author Neil Gaiman in order to determine how characters are transformed by encounters. The method was qualitative in nature, and drew from research in the fields of education, psychology, literature studies, and librarianship. The study found that the transformations in Gaiman’s works supported the concept that there is a lack of distinction between humans and mythical beings, and Gaiman fits Campbell’s criteria for a modern mythmaker.
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