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Casey, Jay. "‘What’s So Funny?’: The Finding and Use of Soldier Cartoons from the World Wars as Historical Evidence." Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence. Eds. Richard Scully and Marian Quartly. Clayton: Monash Univ. ePress, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (2/9/10, 3:46 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/12/14, 5:42 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.2104/dl090007
BibTeX citation key: Casey2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: Cartoon (single panel), History, Politics, Propaganda, Randformen des Comics, War
Creators: Casey, Quartly, Scully
Publisher: Monash Univ. ePress (Clayton)
Collection: Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence
Views: 85/1543
Attachments   URLs   http://books.publi ... tml/chapter07.html
This chapter explores the manner in which the work of soldier cartoonists in the twentieth century reflected the military culture as well as the wider culture of the nations involved in the Second World War. It deals specifically with: soldier attitudes toward the conflict, conditions under which they lived and fought, perceptions of enemies and allies, adjustments to military hierarchy by millions of draftees, depictions of race and gender, the incidence of propaganda, and commentary on civilians and home fronts. The editors of military journals (such as Stars and Stripes, Yank, the Army Weekly, Union Jack, Maple Leaf, and CBI Roundup) sought out soldiers who could provide humorous features which would enable soldiers to vent the frustrations of army life in a non-destructive way through laughter, empathy or reflection. Along the way a surprising amount of editorial comment, in the form of social commentary regarding the circumstances of war, entered the visual record, and the manner in which cartoonists drew upon their immediate surroundings and experiences of combat and army life provides a remarkable insight into life during the Second World War.
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