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Vann, Michael G. "Caricaturing ‘The Colonial Good Life’ in French Indochina." European Comic Art 2. (2009): 83–108. 
Added by: joachim (11/25/09, 5:29 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (7/5/12, 8:32 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.3828/eca.2.1.6
BibTeX citation key: Vann2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: "La vie large des colonies", Caricature, Colonialism, Ethnicity, France, Interculturalism, Joyeux. André, Stereotypes, Vietnam
Creators: Vann
Collection: European Comic Art
Views: 22/1053
André Joyeux’s La Vie large des colonies [‘The Colonial Good Life’] is an insider’s portrait of the French colonial encounter in Southeast Asia. Published in Paris in 1912 but most likely penned in Saigon, the collection of cartoons explores the racial order of the colony. Although the artist critiques many aspects of the colony and highlights certain gross injustices, such as the coloniser’s sexual predation and physical violence, he also articulates many of the bluntly racist French stereotypes of the Vietnamese, Chinese and other Asians in the colony. Joyeux, as an artist and as an art teacher, contributed to the development of cartoon and caricature as a medium in Vietnam, which would eventually be used in the anti-colonial, nationalist and communist movements. La Vie large des colonies is of importance as a primary source in the study of empire.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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