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Padva, Gilad. "Dreamboys, Meatmen and Werewolves: Visualizing Erotic Identities in All-Male Comic Strips." Sexualities 8. (2005): 587–99. 
Added by: joachim (10/4/09, 11:59 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1177/1363460705058395
BibTeX citation key: Padva2005
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Meatmen", "Tail", Body, Freud. Sigmund, Gender, Macy. Jon, Myth, Pornography, Psychoanalysis, Sexuality
Creators: Padva
Collection: Sexualities
Views: 14/1437
The homoerotic comic strip, as a medium and genre in its own right, integrates several media including illustration, cartoon, animation, graphics, physique art, and pornography. In these subaltern texts, when the characters are of the same gender the rites of masculinity are both indulged and subverted. Hence, this graphic subculture provides a radical perspective on sexualities, intimacies, body worship and contemporary phallic regimes. This article focuses on Jon Macy’s ‘Tail’ (published in 1997 in Meatmen, an American anthology of gay male comics), a hard-core comic strip that eroticizes and politicizes Sigmund Freud’s homophobic myth of the Wolf Man.
Added by: joachim  
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