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Pannafino, James. "Sequential Art: Hand, Eye and Mind." International Journal of the Book 6. (2009): 1–4. 
Added by: joachim (10/2/09, 8:29 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/18/12, 7:52 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Pannafino2009a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Distribution, McCloud. Scott, USA, Webcomics
Creators: Pannafino
Collection: International Journal of the Book
Views: 41/1133
Attachments   URLs   http://ijb.cgpubli ... ct/pub.27/prod.286
How do we interpret sequential art on the screen vs. the book? Newspaper strips lead to comic books, formed in graphic novels, and now Web comics are growing more than ever. With the advent of digital comics and new technology (Amazon’s Kindle and Sony’s Portable Reader), sequential artists are now challenged with the task of facilitating user-centered designs. Print and Web often use similar terminology, but they frequently have different applications and meanings. Books allow for great linear and tactile experiences, but does the infinite canvas (McCloud 2000) theory allow storytellers more creative flexibility or varied standards? User interface designers help us to better navigate the Web, but how can visual storytellers employ those schemas in the digital environment? Will having more sequential art on the Internet decrease the demand for printed books or increase interest in collecting those creative ventures into printed volumes? Is it good or bad that a page in a book can only hold so much information where a screen can scroll endlessly? The paper will review current literature; how we can learn from past experiences, and what might be some things to come?
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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