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Lent, John A. "Comics in the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia." Humor. International Journal of Humor Research 11. (1998): 65–78. 
Added by: Joachim Trinkwitz (9/4/09, 2:13 PM)   Last edited by: Joachim Trinkwitz (9/4/09, 2:20 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1515/humr.1998.11.1.65
BibTeX citation key: Lent1998
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Categories: General
Keywords: Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
Creators: Lent
Collection: Humor. International Journal of Humor Research
Views: 22/1388
Southeast Asia has nurtured some well-developed, long-lived, yet widely-varied cartooning traditions. In a country such as Brunei, comic art is scarcely visible, while in the Philippines, it is everywhere — on billboards, mass transit jeepneys, in TV commercials, and family planning messages. While in Indonesia, cartoonists are fond of tracing comics to centuries-old ›wayang kulit‹ figures, in Singapore, they are hard pressed to find indigenous comic art that is more than a few years old.
Three countries of the region, each with a different colonial background, culture, language, and style of government, are discussed in this essay. They are the Philippines, with a long history of Spanish and American rule, at least 70 languages of which English is the dominant, and, for the most part, an American-style government; Singapore, with British heritage, three major languages, a parliamentary government overwhelmingly dominated by one party and one man for most of its history, and Indonesia, with Dutch colonialism, many languages, and a one-man, authoritarian strand of rule.
Added by: Joachim Trinkwitz  Last edited by: Joachim Trinkwitz
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