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Le Duc, Dominique. "XX1st Century Graphic Novels." Belphégor 5. 1 2005. Accessed 10Aug. 2009. <>. 
Added by: Deleted user (8/10/09, 6:28 PM)   Last edited by: Deleted user (1/6/15, 10:01 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: LeDuc2005
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Categories: General
Keywords: Paratext, Publishing
Creators: Le Duc
Collection: Belphégor
Views: 24/1005
Attachments   URLs ... handle/10222/47712
This paper looks at the characteristics that have marked contemporary “bande dessinée” production, focusing on the growing interest of the media and publishing industry, and the stance of comic creators and independent publishers. It deals with questions of content (autobiography and reportage), format, and screen adaptations. It also provides an overview of media coverage, the present market situation and the type of readership these publications attract. This is followed by an examination of shelving and classification within Public Libraries and ends on a discussion of the appropriateness of the term graphic novel.
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