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Screech, Matthew. "Autobiographical Innovations: Edmond Baudoin’s Éloge de la poussière." European Comic Art 1. (2008): 57–85. 
Added by: joachim (8/3/09, 10:56 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (9/30/10, 12:37 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.3828/eca.1.1.5
BibTeX citation key: Screech2008
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Éloge de la poussière", Autobiography, Baudoin. Edmond, Collage, France
Creators: Screech
Collection: European Comic Art
Views: 20/1225
The article analyses Éloge de la poussière [‘In Praise of Dust’] (1995), an autobiographical bande dessinée by French cartoonist Edmond Baudoin (1942–). The work is compared with autobiographical writings by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Michel Leiris and Roland Barthes, Alberto Giacometti’s approach to painting, and comics by Baru, Hergé, Hugo Pratt, Jacques de Loustal and Philippe Paringaux. It is argued that Éloge de la poussière is a non-linear autobiography that uses collage to suggest connections that readers may choose to make. The article examines how the book thematises the fallibility of memory, the tension between confession and self-censorship, the relationship between art and reality, and difficulty of ending an autobiography.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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