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Bender, Hy. The Sandman Companion: A Dreamer’s Guide to the Award-Winning Comics Series. New York: DC Comics, 1999. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:33 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (9/3/17, 3:00 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1563894653
BibTeX citation key: Bender1999
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Sandman", Commentary, Fantasy, Gaiman. Neil, Interview, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Bender
Publisher: DC Comics (New York)
Views: 35/1785
Finally, what Sandman fans have been waiting for – the most comprehensive work ever on Neil Gaiman’s masterpiece series. This entertaining read will appeal to both long-time fans as well as being accessible and welcoming to the newcomer. A chapter is devoted to each of the 10 volumes in the saga, with plot summary and extensive interview material with the creators. There is also full analysis of the major characters and evolving themes of the series plus full creator credits, Sandman related story details, and CDs, articles, books and websites that carry Sandman information.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)
Introduction (xi)

I Overview
1. Getting Started with Sandman (2)
2. A Dream is Born (12)

II. The Sandman Collections
3. Preludes & Nocturnes (28)
4. The Doll’s House (41)
5. Dream Country (62)
6. Season of Mists (89)
7. A Game of You (110)
8. Fables and Reflections (131)
9. Brief Lives (159)
10. World’s End (176)
11. The Kindly Ones (186)
12. The Wake (203)

III. Backstory
13. Secret Origins (232)
14. Music, Poetry, And Patterns (250)
15. Struggles and Triumphs (258)

A. Sandman Credits (264)
B. Additional Sandman Tales (271)
C. For More Information … (272)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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