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McCue, Greg S. and Clive Bloom. Dark Knights: The New Comics in Context. London: Pluto, 1993. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   Last edited by: Deleted user (5/25/16, 5:14 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: McCue1993
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Categories: General
Keywords: DeFalco. Tom, Giordano. Dick, Interview, Lee. Stan, O’Neil. Dennis, Superhero
Creators: Bloom, McCue
Publisher: Pluto (London)
Views: 19/1248
Comics and graphic novels have become a significant part of popular culture in the last decade. Superheroes and the universes they inhabit are not only enjoyed by adolescents but have become more sophisticated in artwork and themes to attract the attention of adult readers and those interested in new movements in the arts. As old as this century, comic illustrations and storyboarding are finally the attention they deserve.
Dark Knights offers the academic, student and the serious reader, as well as the knowledgeable fan, real insight into comic art, its creators and readers and its setting within modern commercial design. It provides a critical introduction to the artwork and its themes, as well as including in-depth interviews with many of the leading artists and editors in the medium.
Surprising and intriguing, this book will open up a world both familiar and alien in which high adventure joins forces with the very best illustration of the twentieth century.

Table of contents

Foreword (ix)

Part I: Knights in the City
Introduction:  A Medium not a Genre (3)
1. Founding Fathers (8)
2. The Golden Age (17)
– Nothing Less than a Bursting Shell (17)
– A Superstitious and Cowardly Lot (22)
– Keep ’Em Flying!!! (25)
– Seduction of the Innocent (29)
3. The Silver Age (35)
– Earth-1, Earth-2, Earth-3, Earth-X, Earth-S, etc. (36)
– The Merry Marvel Marching Society (39)
– The Hero Who Could Be You (45)
– New Faces (47)
– Green Relevance (49)
4. The Moderns (55)
– Vital Signs (56)
– Forbidden Planet (59)
5. The New Dark Knights (68)
– Frank Miller (68)
– Alan Moore (71)
– Dark Knights (74)
Conclusion (77)

Part II: The Interviews
Stan (the Man) Lee (83)
Tom DeFalco (88)
Dick Giordano (101)
Dennis O’Neil (135)

Bibliography (150)
Index (152)

Added by: joachim  
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