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Barnholden, Neale. "Boundaries I: Comics and/as literary magazines: “Originally published in magazines”." The Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine. Ed. Tim Lanzendörfer. London, New York: Routledge, 2021. 93–102. 
Added by: joachim (5/23/24, 10:43 AM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.4324/9780429274244-10
BibTeX citation key: Barnholden2021
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Categories: General
Keywords: Seriality, USA
Creators: Barnholden, Lanzendörfer
Publisher: Routledge (London, New York)
Collection: The Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine
Views: 45/854
The “comics as novel” paradigm operates in the field of comics studies. Considering comic books as literary magazines compels us to not only study the reasons comic books were understood as definitionally paraliterary magazines in 1949, but also to consider the ways that comics and literary magazines have functioned in each other and as each other. The distribution of comic books in the United States was identical to that of magazines, particularly in the split between newsstand and subscription sales. Very different things happen when different comics are considered in terms of “literary magazines”. Comics frequently appear in magazine contexts where comic books would seem jarring. In a magazine such as Disney Adventures, comics are the main literary content of the magazine. One important element of North American comic books is an extreme usage of serialization linking installments of fictional narratives.
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