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Chudoliński, Michał. "Neurotyczny Rycerz: Reminiscencja Azylu Arkham Granta Morrisona i Dave’a McKeana." Kultura popularna 61. (2019): 86–103. 
Added by: joachim (2/23/24, 10:58 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/23/24, 11:08 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: pl: polski
BibTeX citation key: Chudolinski2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Arkham Asylum", "Batman", McKean. Dave, Morrison. Grant, Superhero, United Kingdom
Creators: Chudoliński
Collection: Kultura popularna
Views: 3/776
The author of the article "The Neurotic Knight. Reminiscing on Grant Morrison's and Dave McKean's Arkham Asylum" wishes to present modern reflections on the genesis of one of the most popular comic books about Batman. To this end, he recalls the diegesis of the cultural work, which takes into account the originality of the story, the perception of the graphic novel, as well as directly references the thoughts of the authors, Grant Morrison and Dave McKean. Particular focus is put on the therapeutic function of the comic, a theme which was discussed in the scholarship of i.a. Janina Scarlet. The character of Batman and his antagonists were portrayed in Arkham Asylum in a groundbreaking, very symbolic way, which at the same time imbued the reader with a sense of dread. Thirty years after the publication, the author of the article reminisces on Morrison's and McKean's work, drawing upon modern research methods and pop-cultural references alike.
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