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Klingenböck, Ursula. "»Besonders an der Verknappung und Entschlackung stossen sich die Germanisten«: Nicolas Mahlers Kunstbetriebs-Comics als kleine Formen inter- und transmedialen Erzählens." Studia Austriaca 27 2019. Accessed 21Dec. 2023. <https://riviste.unimi.i ... rticle/view/11500/11596>. 
Added by: joachim (12/21/23, 4:12 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/21/23, 4:20 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: de: Deutsch
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Klingenbock2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Franz Kafkas nonstop Lachmaschine", Austria, Form, Format, Intermediality, Literature, Mahler. Nicolas, Metaisierung
Creators: Klingenböck
Collection: Studia Austriaca
Views: 40/595
Attachments   URLs   https://riviste.un ... e/view/11500/11596
This article focuses on the comics of the Austrian artist Nicolas Mahler. Selected comics from Franz Kafkas nonstop Lachmaschine (2014) will be analysed as ‘minimalistic form’ and inter-spatial phenomena. In Mahler’s so-called ‘graphic anecdotes’, inter- and transmediality become evident in a variety of ways: in the form and organization of anthology, the construction of pseudo-epigraphs, and the accentuation of ‘transition’ and ‘inbetween’. As they address and reflect on the position of comics in the literary field, they also contribute to the current discussion about graphic narrative.
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