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Klar, Elisabeth. "Kreuz, Körper, Kritter und Gender." Journal of Austrian Studies 55. (2022): 41–63. 
Added by: joachim (12/19/23, 3:41 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/19/23, 3:44 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: de: Deutsch
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1353/oas.2022.0026
BibTeX citation key: Klar2022
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Kreuz", Austria, Body, Gender, Posthumanism, Rehrmbacher. Jasmin
Creators: Klar
Collection: Journal of Austrian Studies
Views: 23/680
In the comic Kreuz, published by the Viennese publisher Edition Dostal in 2019, Jasmin Rehrmbacher tells the story of two people who escape their human home only to meet each other on their journey through a dynamic, wild, and nonhuman world. Kreuz narrates an odyssey in which the characters do not have a clear destination but follow a desire or flee from something. The comic (de)constructs concepts of being human or nonhuman, of “doing gender,” and of establishing hero myths. It creates a world in which human and nonhuman beings interact intensely. Thus, as the following analysis will show, it is a comic that remains “troubled” in Donna Haraway’s sense, especially on the visual level and in terms of the use of the “body-sign” (Körper-Zeichen) in the comic.
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