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Giménez Folqués, David. "El lunfardo como elemento identitario en el cómic argentino: El caso de Fueye." Mitologías Hoy 20 2019. Accessed 5Jul. 2022. < ... rticle/view/v20-gimenez>. 
Added by: Okwuchi Mba (7/5/22, 10:42 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (9/6/23, 11:52 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: es: español
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.5565/rev/mitologias.651
BibTeX citation key: GimenezFolques2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Fueye", Argentina, González. Jorge, Language
Creators: Giménez Folqués
Collection: Mitologías Hoy
Views: 21/691
Attachments   URLs   https://revistes.u ... e/view/v20-gimenez
[Abstract in English below]

A finales del siglo XIX nace en Buenos Aires lo que conocemos como lunfardo, es decir, aquella forma lingüística con aspecto de jerga que pertenecía, sobre todo, a los estratos sociales bajos del español bonaerense. Con el paso del tiempo, este nuevo aspecto lingüístico consigue consolidarse como elemento identitario gracias a productos culturales como la música, el teatro, la literatura o el cómic. En este último ámbito vamos a centrar esta investigación en concreto en el cómic Fueye de Jorge González. Mostraremos cómo el autor consigue retratar perfectamente el ambiente donde floreció esta jerga lunfarda, es decir, el conventillo, el tango, la soledad, los inmigrantes. Asimismo, expondremos cómo todos estos elementos sociales y culturales son tratados con el objetivo de trazar un lazo entre la imagen, el lenguaje y el contexto identitario.

At the end of the 19th century, lunfardo was born in Argentina, and mainly in Buenos Aires. This jargon belonged to the lower social groups of Argentinian Spanish. Over time, this new linguistic aspect is consolidated as an identity element thanks to cultural products such as music, theater or literature. At present, lunfardo continues to be a dynamic jargon that is represented by these artistic forms, such as the case of comics. In this last area we are going to focus this investigation, specifically in Fueye by Jorge González. We will show how the author presents the context where this jargon was born: the conventillo, tango, loneliness, the low social groups and immigrants. In the same way, we will expose how all these social and cultural elements are treated with the aim of unifying the graphic story, the language and the identity context.

At the end of the 19th century, lunfardo was born in Argentina, and mainly in Buenos Aires. This jargon belonged to the lower social groups of Argentinian Spanish. Over time, this new linguistic aspect is consolidated as an identity element thanks to cultural products such as music, theater or literature. At present, lunfardo continues to be a dynamic jargon that is represented by these artistic forms, such as the case of comics. In this last area we are going to focus this investigation, specifically in Fueye by Jorge González. We will show how the author presents the context where this jargon was born: the conventillo, tango, loneliness, the low social groups and immigrants. In the same way, we will expose how all these social and cultural elements are treated with the aim of unifying the graphic story, the language and the identity context.

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