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Grennan, Simon and Ian Hague. "Medium, knowledge, structure: Capacities for choice and the contradiction of medium-specifcity in games and comics." Image [&] Narrative 19. 1 2018. Accessed 12Jan. 2022. <http://www.imageandnarr ... ative/article/view/1765>. 
Added by: joachim (1/12/22, 6:53 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Grennan2018b
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Building Stories", Game, Hypertext, Narratology, USA, Ware. Chris
Creators: Grennan, Hague
Collection: Image [&] Narrative
Views: 26/1282
Attachments   URLs   http://www.imagean ... /article/view/1765
Chris Ware’s Building Stories (2012) is a box containing fourteen items that can be read in any order, and for this reason it appears to offer its readers a great deal of choice over the narrative structure of the work. This paper contrasts Building Stories with the video games Fallout: New Vegas and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to demonstrate that that although Building Stories does offer choices, these choices are not ultimately meaningful because while the reader can decide the order of presentation, they cannot decide the order of events as they can in the games, and in other examples such as Marc Saporta’s novel Composition No.1. The article draws upon the work of Seymour Chatman, Gonzalo Fresca and Espen Aarseth in analysing narratives in games and texts, and concludes by considering the implications of choice in narrative.
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