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Lauwers, Joran. "Intertextuality and Adaptation as a Narrative Framework: Creating the New from the Inexplicable in Neil Gaiman’s “The Sandman”." Master in de taal- en letterkunde Masterproef. Universiteit Gent, 2016. 
Added by: joachim (10/14/21, 2:42 PM)   
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Lauwers2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Sandman", Adaptation, Gaiman. Neil, History, Intertextuality, Literature, Myth, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Lauwers
Publisher: Universiteit Gent (Gent)
Views: 31/1181
Attachments   URLs   https://www.academ ... arrative_Framework
It is a fact that the Sandman series comprises a narrative arc which is formed by several small stories that intertwine. For instance: the story of Orpheus and his Eurydice which was altered subtly by Gaiman to give the reader more insight in how Dream's character works or Dream's encounters with Shakespeare or Hob Gadling. Dream himself is never really the protagonist of the stories but he plays a vital part in most of them. Therefore, it would be worth investigating Dream's characterization through the perspective of all the intertextual and even intercultural elements which are present in the series. To this end, I will first render a theoretical framework of how intertextuality works and how Gaiman implemented all the cross-cultural references within the series. Secondly, I will thoroughly analyse five case studies of characters that are present in The Sandman. By the examples of the encephalitis lethargica disease, Shakespeare, Wesley Dodds, Orpheus and Lucifer I will endeavour to explain how these adapted intertextual elements define the Sandman series as a whole. As a conclusion, I will explain which techniques Gaiman has used to construct his bestselling comic series.
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