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Alegría Sabogal, Diego Cristóbal. "Voices Staged and Shaded: Comic Collaborations between P. Craig Russell and Neil Gaiman." Cuadernos Literarios 9. (2015). 
Added by: joachim (10/14/21, 1:26 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (10/14/21, 1:27 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: 2015k
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Categories: General
Keywords: Adaptation, Gaiman. Neil, Literature, Russell. P. Craig, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Alegría Sabogal
Collection: Cuadernos Literarios
Views: 59/1729
The essay proposes a formal analysis of the interplay between verbal and visual narration in the collaborations between writer Neil Gaiman and graphic artist P. Craig Russell. On the one hand, the analysis will set focus on the way word and image cancel each other to construct a rhetoric of fantasy specific to the comics medium. To point out a fact as unexplainable, the analyzed comics deactivate either word or image in an emphatic way to create silence without stopping their narration. Time and transition, being virtual categories in comics, also prove fruitful resource to make the fantastic elusive. On the other hand, the relationship between literature and comic points to the way these mediums represent their own relationship, which will also become part of the current discussion. In contrast to most chapters in the comic series The Sandman, which were deliberately scripted by Gaiman, Russell’s contributions are free adaptations from prose. This allows him to combine the modalities of illustration and comics in “Ramadan”, but does not keep him from turning a novel into a fully sequential and cartoonish comic in The Dream Hunters.
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