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Kemp, Anna. "Je me souviens de Beyrouth: Zeina Abirached’s Perecquian practice." International Journal of Francophone Studies 20. (2017): 183–208. 
Added by: joachim (3/26/21, 4:30 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (3/26/21, 4:37 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1386/ijfs.20.3-4.183_1
BibTeX citation key: Kemp2017
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Je me souviens. Beyrouth", Abirached. Zeina, Autobiography, Avantgarde, Intertextuality, Lebanon, Literature, Memoria, OuBaPo, Perec. Georges
Creators: Kemp
Collection: International Journal of Francophone Studies
Views: 49/1110
The French experimental writing collective the Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle, or Oulipo for short, is often imagined to be inward-looking, Pariscentric and deeply entangled in the threads of French literary history. However, the group has become increasingly diverse and its influence now extends far beyond l’Hexagone. This article will consider some of the ways in which oulipian techniques, games, themes and concerns might be transported and adapted to other national and cultural contexts. It will take, as a case in point, the complete works, to date, of the Franco-Lebanese graphic memoirist Zeina Abirached. Abirached adopts and transforms oulipian practices in particular those of Georges Perec in order to grapple with the memory of growing up during the Lebanese Civil War (197590). Like that of Perec, Abiracheds oulipian practice appears as a means of managing individual and collective memory. However, Perecs Parisian experiments take significantly new directions in the context of post-war Beirut where the relationship between individual and collective memory remains extremely fraught.
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