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Rossi, Umberto. "The Myth of the Great War: Hugo Pratt's World War I Graphic Novel and Stories." Dialogues between Media. Ed. Paul Ferstl. The Many Languages of Comparative Literature. Berlin u. Boston: de Gruyter, 2021. 59–82. 
Added by: joachim (2/28/21, 9:24 AM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Rossi2021
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Categories: General
Keywords: Italy, Pratt. Hugo, War
Creators: Ferstl, Rossi
Publisher: de Gruyter (Berlin u. Boston)
Collection: Dialogues between Media
Views: 19/1472
This article examines seven graphic narratives by the Italian graphic artist and writer Hugo Pratt. The article reads these narratives in connection with the myth of the Great War as it was defined by the Italian historian and literary critic Isnenghi in 1970 in his groundbreaking monograph Il mito della grande guerra. However, these graphic narratives present readers with a bewildering mix of historical/quasi-historical characters, real and imaginary places, often establishing surprising and complex intertextual short-circuits that connect Pratt’s World War I narratives, history, and the historical imagination. This reading can help us to understand why a comparative approach is unavoidable when dealing with graphic narratives, especially those dealing with historical events – like World War I – which impacted several countries across more than one continent.
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