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Squier, Susan M. and Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff, eds. PathoGraphics: Narrative, Aesthetics, Contention, Community. University Park: Penn State Univ. Press, 2020. 
Added by: joachim (9/16/20, 10:54 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (9/16/20, 11:23 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-271-08617-0
BibTeX citation key: Squier2020
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Illness, Medicine
Creators: Krüger-Fürhoff, Squier
Publisher: Penn State Univ. Press (University Park)
Views: 36/1083
Culturally powerful ideas of normalcy and deviation, individual responsibility, and what is medically feasible shape the ways in which we live with illness and disability. The essays in this volume show how illness narratives expressed in a variety of forms—biographical essays, fictional texts, cartoons, graphic novels, and comics—reflect on and grapple with the fact that these human experiences are socially embedded and culturally shaped.
Works of fiction addressing the impact of an illness or disability; autobiographies and memoirs exploring an experience of medical treatment; and comics that portray illness or disability from the perspective of patient, family member, or caregiver: all of these narratives forge a specific aesthetic in order to communicate their understanding of the human condition. This collection demonstrates what can emerge when scholars and artists interested in fiction, life-writing, and comics collaborate to explore how various media portray illness, medical treatment, and disability. Rather than stopping at the limits of genre or medium, the essays talk across fields, exploring together how works in these different forms craft narratives and aesthetics to negotiate contention and build community around those experiences and to discover how the knowledge and experiences of illness and disability circulate within the realms of medicine, art, the personal, and the cultural. Ultimately, they demonstrate a common purpose: to examine the ways comics and literary texts build an audience and galvanize not just empathy but also action.

Table of Contents

Susan Merrill Squier and Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff: Introduction ()

1. Einat Avrahami: The Reflecting Physician ()
2. Tahneer Oksman: Assembling a Shared Life in Anders Nilsen's Don't Go Where I Can't Follow ()
3. Nina Schmidt: Ways of Looking: Reading PathoGraphics ()
4. Ariela Freedman: The Comics Pain Scale and Comics About Pain ()
5. Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff: The Tightrope to Equilibrium: Parkinson's Disease in Literature and Comics ()
6. Rieke Jordan: “Her Leg”: Chris Ware's Body of Work ()
7. Helen Spandler: Crafting Psychiatric Contention Through Single-Panel Cartoons (115)
8. Leah Misemer: Subverting Stigma: Community Building in Serial Comics (135)
9. Elizabeth J. Donaldson: Psychosis Blues: Schizophrenia, Comics, and Collaboration ()
10. stef lenk: The Quickening ()
11. Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff and Susan Merrill Squier: Interview with stef lenk on The Quickening ()
12. Maureen Burdock: Desire Paths: PathoGraphics and Transgenerational Trauma ()
13. Susan Merrill Squier: Scaling Graphic Medicine: The Porous Pathography, a New Kind of Illness Narrative ()

List of Contributors ()

Index ()

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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