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Holm, Nicholas. "Excalibur, aesthetics and an other Britain: From whimsical tradition to tabloid aesthetic." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2020): 1–12. 
Added by: joachim (8/22/20, 5:49 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/22/20, 5:50 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2020.1806892
BibTeX citation key: Holm2020
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Excalibur", Claremont. Chris, Davis. Alan, Ellis. Warren, Middle Ages, Politics, Rancière. Jacques, Superhero, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Holm
Collection: Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Views: 25/1022
Britain’ has always been an odd entity in American superhero comics: not least in Marvel Comics’ Excalibur. At turns, innocently quirky and wryly cynical, Excalibur’s Britain has been a markedly different place in the hands of different writers (and artists). This article addresses three key runs of Excalibur – those of Chris Claremont, Alan Davis and Warren Ellis – with particular attention to the depiction of Britain not simply as a matter of discourse and representation, but also in terms of tone and theme. Drawing on the political aesthetics of Jacques Rancière, the article explores what it means to talk about a specifically ‘British’ take on superhero comics. Through a critical analysis of how the different eras of Excalibur present different takes on what is ostensibly a British style of representation, the article explores how the form of a comic book, as well as its content, might be though to express assumptions about particular national identities and political communities.
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