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Zordan, Davide. "Mobilizing Biblical Imaginary in Comics: Robert Crumb’s The Book of Genesis." Religion in Cultural Imaginary. Explorations in Visual und Material Practices. Ed. Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati. Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015. 150–73. 
Added by: joachim (5/15/20, 12:31 PM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.5771/9783845264066-150
BibTeX citation key: Zordan2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Bible", "The Book of Genesis Illustrated", Adaptation, Crumb. Robert, Literature, Religion, USA, Visual Culture
Creators: Pezzoli-Olgiati, Zordan
Publisher: Nomos (Baden-Baden)
Collection: Religion in Cultural Imaginary. Explorations in Visual und Material Practices
Views: 13/1839
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