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Langsdale, Samantha and Elizabeth Rae Coody, eds. Monstrous Women in Comics. Horror and Monstrosity Studies. Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2020. 
Added by: joachim (5/4/20, 11:42 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781496827623
BibTeX citation key: Langsdale2020
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Gender, Monster
Creators: Coody, Langsdale
Publisher: Univ. Press of Mississippi (Jackson)
Views: 18/1365
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Monsters seem to be everywhere these days, in popular shows on television, in award-winning novels, and again and again in Hollywood blockbusters. They are figures that lurk in the margins and so, by contrast, help to illuminate the center—the embodiment of abnormality that summons the definition of normalcy by virtue of everything they are not.
Samantha Langsdale and Elizabeth Rae Coody’s edited volume explores the coding of woman as monstrous and how the monster as dangerously evocative of women/femininity/the female is exacerbated by the intersection of gender with sexuality, race, nationality, and disability. To analyze monstrous women is not only to examine comics, but also to witness how those constructions correspond to women’s real material experiences.
Each section takes a critical look at the cultural context surrounding varied monstrous voices: embodiment, maternity, childhood, power, and performance. Featured are essays on such comics as Faith, Monstress, Bitch Planet, and Batgirl and such characters as Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman.
This volume probes into the patriarchal contexts wherein men are assumed to be representative of the normative, universal subject, such that women frequently become monsters.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)

Samantha Langsdale and Elizabeth Rae Coody: Introduction (3)

Part 1: The Origins, Agency, and Paradoxes of Monstrous Women
1. Elizabeth Rae Coody: Rewriting to Control: How the Origins of Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, and Mary Magdalene Matter to Women’s Perceived Power (15)
2. J. Richard Stevens: Exploring the Monstrous Feminist Frame: Marvel’s She-Hulk as Male-Centric Postfeminist Discourse (31)
3. Ayanni C. H. Cooper: “There Is More to Me Than Just Hunger”: Female Monsters and Liminal Spaces in Monstress and Pretty Deadly (51)

Part 2: The Body as Monstrous
4. Stefanie Snider: The (Un)Remarkable Fatness of Valiant’s Faith (69)
5. Charlotte Johanne Fabricius: New and Improved? Disability and Monstrosity in Gail Simone’s Batgirl (84)
6. Keri Crist-Wagner: Horrible Victorians: Interrogating Power, Sex, and Gender in InSEXts (99)

Part 3: Childbearing as Monstrous
7. Jeannie Ludlow: Kicking Ass in Flip-Flops: Inappropriate/d Generations and Monstrous Pregnancy in Comics Narratives (115)
8. Marcela Murillo: The Monstrous Portrayal of the Maternal Bolivian Chola in Contemporary Comics (135)
9. Tomoko Kuribayashi: The Monstrous “Mother” in Moto Hagio’s Marginal: The Posthuman, the Human, and the Bioengineered Uterus (152)

Part 4: Monsters of Childhood
10. Daniel F.Yezbick: SeDUCKtress! Magica De Spell, Scrooge McDuck, and the Avuncular Anthropomorphism of Carl Barks’s Midcentury Disney Comics (171)
11. Novia Shih-Shan Chen and Sho Ogawa: On the Edge of 1990s Japan: Kyoko Okazaki and the Horror of Adolescence (191)
12. Jing Zhang: Chinese Snake Woman Resurfaces in Comics: Considering the Case Study of Calabash Brothers (207)

Part 5: Taking On the Role of Monster
13. Justin Wigard: Monochromatic Teats, Teeth, and Tentacles: Monstrous Visual Rhetoric in Stephen L . Stern and Christopher Steininger’s Beowulf: The Graphic Novel (223)
14. Pauline J. Reynolds and Sara Durazo-DeMoss: Beauty and Her B(r)east(s): Monstrosity and College Women in The Jaguar (239)
15. Christina M. Knopf: UFO (Unusual Female Other) Sightings in Saucer Country/State: Metaphors of Identity and Presidential Politics (257)

About the Contributors (275)
Index (281)

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