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Fraser, Benjamin. The Art of Pere Joan: Space, Landscape, and Comics Form. World Comics and Graphic Nonfiction. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 2019. 
Added by: joachim (4/29/20, 6:28 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/6/20, 5:55 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-4773-1812-6
BibTeX citation key: Fraser2019a
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Categories: General
Keywords: City, Joan. Pere, Riera. Pere Joan, Space, Spain (country), Underground Comics
Creators: Fraser
Publisher: Univ. of Texas Press (Austin)
Views: 34/1220
Born in Mallorca, Pere Joan Riera (known professionally as Pere Joan) thrived in the underground comics world, beginning in the mid-1970s with the self-published collections Baladas Urbanas and Muérdago, both of which were released almost immediately after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco and Spain’s transition to democracy. The first monograph in English on a comics artist from Spain, The Art of Pere Joan takes a topographical approach to reading comics, applying theories of cultural and urban geography to Pere Joan’s treatment of space and landscape in his singular body of work.
Balancing this goal with an exploration of specific works by Pere Joan, Benjamin Fraser demonstrates that looking at the thematic, structural, and aesthetic originality of the artist’s landscape-driven work can help us begin to newly understand the representational properties of comics as a spatial medium. This in-depth examination reveals the resonance between the cultural landscapes of Mallorca and Pere Joan’s metaphorical approach to both rural and urban environments in comics that weave emotional, ecological, and artistic strands in revolutionary ways.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations (ix)
Preface (xi)
Selected Artist Chronology (xv)
Important Note on Spain for the General Reader (xvii)

Introduction: Pere Joan’s Comics Geographies (1)
1. The Comics Landscape of Spain (31)
2. Topographies of the Image, Panel, and Page: Comics Narration Three Ways (59)
3. Rural Cartographies: Emotion, Ecology, and Subjectivity (93)
4. Urban Geographies: Cityscapes, Mobility, and Belonging (135)
5. Island Imaginaries: Mallorca’s Cultural Landscapes (175)
Conclusion (201)

Notes (205)
Bibliography (263)
Index (291)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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