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Farrant, Finola. Crime, Prisons and Viscous Culture: Adventures in Criminalized Identities. New York [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 
Added by: joachim (12/2/19, 1:33 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/2/19, 1:42 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-49010-0
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-137-49009-4
BibTeX citation key: Farrant2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Hulk", Body, Cultural criminology, Fantastic, Identity, Monster, Reception, Superhero, USA
Creators: Farrant
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (New York [etc.])
Views: 29/1380
This unique book explores criminalized identities and the idea of ‘viscous culture’ to provide new understandings of crime, punishment and justice. It shows that viscous culture encourages some of us to become outlaws, monsters or shapeshifters who challenge systems of domination and forces of control.
Crime, Prisons and Viscous Culture interweaves analyses of popular culture with extensive empirical research to explore both the glamorous and grotesque nature of crime, control and containment. Through encounters with numerous popular and mythological archetypes the book explores the boundaries of the criminological discipline. Criminology itself is presented as fragmented, distorted and fascinating, and the important transdisciplinary potential of criminology is highlighted. In doing so, this book will be of great interest to scholars of criminology, cultural studies, popular culture and sociological theory.

Table of Contents

Part I. Once Upon a Time (1)
1. Introduction (3)
2. Word Up! Mythology through to Popular Culture (27)
3. Introducing the Men (49)

Part II. Criminalized Lifestyles (57)
4. Outlaws and Gangsters (59)
5. Lone Ranger, Robin Hood, the Wild One and Ghetto Supastar (79)

Part III. Prison Experiences (101)
6. Comics and the Gothic (103)
7. Ghosts, Monsters and Hulk (125)

Part IV. Becoming an Ex-Prisoner (147)
8. Shapeshifting Identities (149)
9. Metamorphosis, Trickster and Werewolf (167)

Part V. Conclusion (189)
10. Towards a Viscous Understanding of Culture (191)

Appendix A: List of Prisoner Autobiographies (207)
Appendix B: List of Popular Culture References (209)

Index (227)

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