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Schmid, Johannes C. P. "Framing and Translation in Birgit Weyhe’s Madgermanes." Situated in Translations. Cultural Communities and Media Practices. Eds. Michaela Ott and Thomas Weber. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2019. 107–18. 
Added by: joachim (10/9/19, 1:40 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/24/19, 5:49 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.14361/9783839443439-006
BibTeX citation key: Schmid2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Madgermanes", Germany, Translation, Weyhe. Birgit
Creators: Ott, Schmid, Weber
Publisher: Transcript (Bielefeld)
Collection: Situated in Translations. Cultural Communities and Media Practices
Views: 25/696
“In her graphic short story Chameleons, Birgit Weyhe describes her childhood in Uganda and her experiences of cultural difference, which is also the subject of her graphic novel Madgermanes. In this novel, she problematizes the situatedness of Mozambicans in the late GDR and after they returned to their country of origin, thereby graphically dramatizing the situation of cultural and social in-betweenness typical of the time. As Johannes Schmid emphasizes in his article, her graphic novel “oscillates between the generic cornerstones of autobiography, documentary, and realist fiction. Furthermore, Weyhe thoroughly explores the concepts of memory, home, and the experience of migration” (Schmid’s text in this volume, p. 107). Weyhe does not just translate this narrative underpinned by autobiography into an amalgam of documentation and fiction, but also charges its meaning metaphorically. According to Schmid, Weyhe’s metaphors underline experiences of cross-cultural movement and displacement, conferring central significance to perceptions und emotions in the conveyance of memory.”
Added by: joachim  
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