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MacFarlane, Elizabeth and Leonie Brialey. "The Body is Just a Metaphor for the Soul: Performing trauma in the work of Leela Corman and Tom Hart." TEXT Special Issue Series 42 2017. Accessed 23Jul. 2019. <http://www.textjournal. ... /MacFarlane&Brialey.pdf>. 
Added by: joachim (7/23/19, 11:47 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (7/23/19, 11:49 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: MacFarlane2017
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Rosalie Lightning", "The Wound That Never Heals", Autobiography, Corman. Leela, Death, Hart. Tom, Narratology, Trauma, USA
Creators: Brialey, MacFarlane
Collection: TEXT Special Issue Series
Views: 11/938
Attachments   URLs   http://www.textjou ... arlane&Brialey.pdf
This paper discusses the graphic narrative as a dynamic space in which to re-enact, re-live, and re-tell experiences of grief, trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The paper will focus on Tom Hart’s 2016 autobiographical graphic novel Rosalie Lightning and Leela Corman’s 2015 short comic ‘The Wound That Never Heals’, both of which deal with the death of Corman and Hart’s young daughter. About writing the book, Hart has said: ‘The attempt to relive was largely through the act of drawing and writing, in that order. The writing was the organizing principle, but the drawing was the reliving.’ This article observes the ways in which narrative repetition, visual metaphor, sequentiality, and the embodiment of the drawn line, which are inherent to the medium of comics, are also representative of the experience of trauma in these works. This article incorporates short autobiographical interludes in both prose and comics form which recount personal experiences with Corman and Hart.
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