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Grünbart, Michael. "»Griechisches Feuer von links, hinten und vorne«: Mit Ritter Runkel von Rübenstein auf Abenteuer in Byzanz." Bilder vom Mittelalter. Vorstellungen von einer vergangenen Epoche und ihre Inszenierung in modernen Medien. Eds. Tobias Enseleit and Christian Peters. Wissenschaftliche Schriften der WWU Münster, Reihe X. Münster: MV Wissenschaft, 2017. 147–70. 
Added by: joachim (4/23/19, 11:42 AM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: de: Deutsch
BibTeX citation key: 2017s
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Die Digedags", "Mosaik", Children’s and young adults’ comics, GDR, Germany, Hegen. Hannes, History, History comics, Middle Ages
Creators: Enseleit, Grünbart, Peters
Publisher: MV Wissenschaft (Münster)
Collection: Bilder vom Mittelalter. Vorstellungen von einer vergangenen Epoche und ihre Inszenierung in modernen Medien
Views: 43/1334
Being an important part of both popular culture and contemporary art and literature, comics and graphic novels have been receiving considerable scholarly attention for some time, especially those that treat historical subjects. The Mosaik series, published in the G.D.R. from the 1950s on, lets its heroes travel to medieval Constantinople for several issues, which is an exotic choice of setting for a comic series. This posed a challenge for the authors not only to embed their stories within a scholarly framework themselves and to provide the readers  with sufficient information for a lesser-known branch of Medieval history. This article aims to understand how the authors dealt with knowledge (and lack thereof) about Byzantine culture and history among their audience, how they selected particular items to create a convincing impression of an overall Byzantine setting, when and why they inserted anachronisms, and, given Mosaik’s provenance, how the restrictions of authoritarian cultural politics and censorship one the one hand, and the subtle use of artistic license to comment on contemporary circumstances on the other hand played out in in narrative set in a remote time and place.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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