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Cointot, Chantal. "Approximate Author-ity: Self-Crafting “Le Bec” and Other Trondheimian Masks." Image [&] Narrative 19. 3 2018. Accessed 21Feb. 2019. <http://www.imageandnarr ... ative/article/view/1939>. 
Added by: joachim (2/21/19, 7:44 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Cointot2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Approximativement", Anthropomorphism, Autobiography, Chabosy. Laurent, France, Identity, Trondheim. Lewis
Creators: Cointot
Collection: Image [&] Narrative
Views: 12/1052
Attachments   URLs   http://www.imagean ... /article/view/1939
Lewis Trondheim crafted an autobiographical avatar who appears to be stuck in a state of stasis. As I examine Trondheim’s self-crafting into a protagonist and a character in a narrative, I argue that his mask’s immutability paradoxically allows for an exploration of the changing nature of identity and the performative notion of authorship. Trondheim’s enterprise is a self-imposed frame, which I propose to read as a technique of the self. In my examination of Trondheim’s many masks, I show how Trondheim questions the process of identity formation through the careful elaboration both within and outside his works of his persona into a myth of the self. His variety of masks invites a reflection on the oscillation between a sense of recognition and de-familiarisation of the self. Trondheim enacts a care of the self via a self-writing which evokes a renunciation of the self only to renounce this via his comics production. This seems to embody perfectly a form of care of the self – based on parody – fitting to a contemporary moment in which the confessional has been recast as a form of affirmation of self-identity and validation.
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