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Bauer, Thomas. "When an energy drink exalts a table tennis hero: Brand placement and subvertising in the manga Ping-Pong Dash!! by Honda Shingo." Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure 41. (2018): 233–49. 
Added by: joachim (10/20/18, 5:41 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (10/20/18, 6:02 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/07053436.2018.1482668
BibTeX citation key: Bauer2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Ping-Pong Dash!!", Advertisement, Japan, Manga, Shingo. Honda, Sports
Creators: Bauer
Collection: Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure
Views: 23/949
While comic books have today become a commonplace subject of study that no longer requires justification, the issue of sports representation in the ninth art remains a relatively new one. In the case of a table tennis-themed manga, in particular, mirrored through the brand placement of an energy drink, Max Coffee, this paper studies the emerging mechanism which combines representation of a sports spectacle (table tennis) with the fictional construction of a modern sporting hero (Tendô Haruku), an in-vogue media-friendly story (manga) and a potential consumer target group (teen readers). By matching the values of the energy drink with the canons of heroic stories in terms of a sequential narrative, embedded episodes and plot twists, the cartoonist, Honda Shingo, creates a new-generation hero with rather uninhibited virility and an offbeat, romantic sense of humor, together with the self-assumed immoderation of contemporary sport.
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