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Verstappen, Nicolas. "Prayoon Chanyawongse’s Cartoon Likay: Amalgamating Likay Theatrical Form and Comics into a Unique Thai Genre." The Comics Grid 8. 9 2018. Accessed 20Aug. 2018. <>. 
Added by: joachim (8/20/18, 11:13 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/20/18, 11:14 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.16995/cg.121
BibTeX citation key: Verstappen2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: Adaptation, Asia, Chanyawongse. Prayoon, Folklore, Thailand, Theatre
Creators: Verstappen
Collection: The Comics Grid
Views: 19/1164
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By launching in 1938 a series of adaptations of folktales in comics form, Thai cartoonist Prayoon Chanyawongse established the Cartoon Likay genre which places the reader as a member of an audience attending a Likay performance. The local theatrical form frames his graphic narratives where scenes of a play performed on a stage continuously alternate with sequences taking place in the vast realms of epics set in the Ayutthaya period. By introducing key Likay conventions such as recurring humorous interruptions and asides, Chanyawongse could effectively address contemporary social issues and political topics within traditional folktales. This paper explores several Cartoon Likay narratives in the context of the Likay theatrical form and the local folktale repertoire to discuss the nature and development of Chanyawongse’s signature comics genre.
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