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Collver, Jordan and Emma Weitkamp. "Alter egos: An exploration of the perspectives and identities of science comic creators." Journal of Science Communication 17. 1 2018. Accessed 25Jan. 2018. < ... /JCOM_1701_2018_A01.pdf>. 
Added by: joachim (1/25/18, 1:07 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/25/18, 1:25 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.22323/2.17010201
BibTeX citation key: Collver2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: Authorship, Communications, Didactics, Empirical research, Interview, Nonfiction, Sciences
Creators: Collver, Weitkamp
Collection: Journal of Science Communication
Views: 43/1528
Attachments   URLs   https://jcom.sissa ... _1701_2018_A01.pdf
While academic interest in science comics has been growing in recent years, the creators of these materials remain understudied. This research aimed to explore the experiences and views of science comic creators through the lens of science communication. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 science comic creators. Interviewees felt that the visual, narrative, permanent, and approachable qualities of comics made them particularly adept at explaining science and bringing it to new audiences. Science comic creators often had complex identities, occupying an ambiguous territory between ‘science’ and ‘art’, but were otherwise unconcerned with strict definitions. They emphasised the importance of balance between entertaining and informing, striving to create an engaging visual narrative without overcrowding it with facts or compromising scientific accuracy. This balancing act, and how they negotiate it, sheds light on what it means to be a science communicator operating in the space between entertainment and information/education.
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