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Lewis, A. David and Martin Lund, eds. Muslim Superheroes: Comics, Islam, and Representation. Mizan. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 2017. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/17, 1:58 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/28/18, 12:14 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 674975944
BibTeX citation key: Lewis2017
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Islam, Religion, Representation, Superhero
Creators: Lewis, Lund
Publisher: Harvard Univ. Press (Cambridge)
Views: 24/1478
The roster of Muslim superheroes in the comic book medium has grown over the years, as has the complexity of their depictions. Muslim Superheroes tracks the initial absence, reluctant inclusion, tokenistic employment, and then nuanced scripting of Islamic protagonists in the American superhero comic book market and beyond.
This scholarly anthology investigates the ways in which Muslim superhero characters fulfill, counter, or complicate Western stereotypes and navigate popular audience expectations globally, under the looming threat of Islamophobia. The contributors consider assumptions buried in the very notion of a character who is both a superhero and a Muslim with an interdisciplinary and international focus characteristic of both Islamic studies and comics studies scholarship. Muslim Superheroes investigates both intranational American racial formation and international American geopolitics, juxtaposed with social developments outside U.S. borders.
Providing unprecedented depth to the study of Muslim superheroes, this collection analyzes, through a series of close readings and comparative studies, how Muslim and non-Muslim comics creators and critics have produced, reproduced, and represented different conceptions of Islam and Muslimness embodied in the genre characters.

Table of Contents

Martin Lund and A. David Lewis: Whence the Muslim Superhero ()
Nicholaus Pumphrey: Niqab not Burqa: Reading the Veil in Marvel’s Dust ()
Kevin Wanner: “And, erm, religious stuff”: Islam, Liberalism, and the Limits of Tolerance in Stories of Faiza Hussain ()
Chris Reyns-Chikuma and Désirée Lorenz: Kamala Kahn’s Superhero Burkini: Negotiating an Autonomous Position between Patriarchal Islamism, French Secularism, and Feminism ()
Dwain C. Pruitt: The Comics That Hate Produced: Representing the African-American Muslim Experience in DC Comics ()
Mercedes Yanora: Marked by Foreign Policy: Muslim Superheroes and their Quest for Authenticity ()
Fredrik Strömberg: Superhero Comics from the Middle East: Tyranny of Genre? ()
Ken Chitwood: Hero and/or Villain? The 99 and the Hybrid Nature of Popular Culture’s Production of Islam ()
Aymon Kreil: Qahera Here and There: Navigating Contexts in the Translation of a Muslim Egyptian Superheroine ()
Hussein Rashid: Truth, Justice, and the Spiritual Way: Imam Ali as Muslim Super-hero ()
A. David Lewis and Martin Lund: From Book to Tool: Editorial Remarks ()

Index ()

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