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Smith, Matthew J. and Randy Duncan, eds. The Secret Origins of Comics Studies. London, New York: Routledge, 2017. 
Added by: joachim (3/30/17, 3:26 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-138-88451-9
BibTeX citation key: Smith2017
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Comics research
Creators: Duncan, Smith
Publisher: Routledge (London, New York)
Views: 1/1017
In The Secret Origins of Comics Studies, today’s leading comics scholars turn back a page to reveal the founding figures dedicated to understanding comics art. Edited by comics scholars Matthew J. Smith and Randy Duncan, this collection provides an in-depth study of the individuals and institutions that have created and shaped the field of Comics Studies over the past 75 years. From Coulton Waugh to Wolfgang Fuchs, these influential historians, educators, and theorists produced the foundational work and built the institutions that inspired the recent surge in scholarly work in this dynamic, interdisciplinary field. Sometimes scorned, often underappreciated, these visionaries established a path followed by subsequent generations of scholars in literary studies, communication, art history, the social sciences, and more. Giving not only credit where credit is due, this volume both offers an authoritative account of the history of Comics Studies and also helps move the field forward by being a valuable resource for creating graduate student reading lists and the first stop for anyone writing a comics-related literature review.

Table of Contents

List of Figures (x)
Charles Hatfield: Foreword: Comics Studies, the Anti-Discipline (xi)
Matthew J. Smith and Randy Duncan: Preface (xxiii)

I. The Educators (1)
1. Carol L. Tilley: Educating with Comics (3)
2. Robert G. Weiner: Educating about Comics (12)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: Waldomiro Vergueiro (25)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: James “Bucky” Carter (28)

II. The Historians (31)
3. Brad Ricca: The Historians of the Creators (33)
Sidebar: Magazines and Online (36)
Sidebar: A Herstorian’s Perspective, by Christina Blanch (38)
Sidebar: International Creators (40)
4. Julie Davis and Robert Westerfelhaus: The Historians of the Comics Industry (43)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: Maurice Horn (54)
5. Ian Horton: The Historians of the Art Form (56)
Sidebar: Comic Art (57)
Sidebar: Bande Dessinée and the Problem of Form (59)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: David Kunzle (67)
6. Jenny Robb: The Librarians and Archivists (71)

III. The Theorists (89)
7. Barbara Postema: Literary Theory/Narrative Theory (91)
8. Gert Meesters: Semiotics and Linguistics (100)
Sidebar: Sound Effects (101)
9. Beth Davies-Stofka and David McConehy: Myths, Archetypes, and Religions (105)
Sidebar: Comics’ Shortcut to the Sacred, by A. David Lewis (105)
Sidebar: Comics as (Pseudo-)Religion, by A. David Lewis (111)
10. Ian Gordon: Ideological/Sociological (118)
Sidebar: The Immigrant Space, by A. David Lewis (121)
Sidebar: Trauma and Disability in Comics, by José Alaniz (125)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: Wolfgang Fuchs (130)
11. Henry Jenkins: Formalist Theory: The Cartoonists (133)
12. Ann Miller: Formalist Theory: Academics (150)
Sidebar: Materiality, by Ian Hague (159)
13. Travis Langley: Psychology/Psychiatry (164)
Sidebar: Martin Barker, by William Proctor (174)
14. Kane Anderson: Gender Studies and Queer Studies (178)
15. Nicholas A. Theisen: Manga Studies, A History (190)

IV. The Institutions (203)
16. Jeremy Larance: The Organizations (205)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: John A. Lent (221)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: Peter M. Coogan (223)
17. Kim Munson: The Galleries (226)
Sidebar: Yoshihiro Yonezawa, by Jaqueline Berndt (240)
18. Julia Round and Chris Murray: The Conferences (246)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: M. Thomas Inge (260)
19. Alec R. Hosterman: The Journals (262)
20. Joseph Michael Sommers: The Presses (272)
A Pioneer’s Perspective: Pascal Lefèvre (281)

Contributors (285)
Index (291)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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