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Herd, Damon. "Dieter Roth’s Solo Scenes and the Comics Art World." The Comics Grid 3. 4 2013. Accessed 20Jun. 2016. <>. 
Added by: joachim (6/20/16, 7:35 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.5334/
BibTeX citation key: Herd2013c
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Categories: General
Keywords: Art, Definition, Museum, Randformen des Comics, Roth. Dieter, Switzerland
Creators: Herd
Collection: The Comics Grid
Views: 34/1306
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Damon Herd offers a discussion of Dieter Roth’s Solo Scenes, a multimedia presentation that echoes the form of a comic. In his discussion, Herd compares Roth’s work to autobiographical comics, raising the evocative question of whether a work created outside of the comics world can still be considered a comic.
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