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Chung, Christina. "Holy Fandom, Batman! Commercial Fan Works, Fair Use, and the Economics of Complements and Market Failure." Journal of Science & Technology Law 19. (2013): 367–404. 
Added by: joachim (5/27/16, 7:34 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Chung2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Copyright, Fandom, Justice, USA
Creators: Chung
Collection: Journal of Science & Technology Law
Views: 31/1052
Attachments   URLs ... /02/04ChungWeb.pdf
This Note examines how existing American copyright laws limit fan expression and ultimately argues that the fair use defense should apply to certain kinds of fan works sold for commercial profit. Part I discusses the nature of fan works and how the evolution of fan works created legal tension between the copyrighted original works and fan works. Part II explores the legal status of fan works under American copyright law and compares the rights of original work authors with those of derivative work authors. Part III focuses on copyright’s fair use exception and examines how this doctrine attempts to achieve copyright’s policy goals. Part IV uses two test cases to argue that current fair use doctrine should expand to permit fair uses where the use is not substitutionary or where the use responds to market failure.14 In Part V, this Note concludes that courts should find fan merchandise to be fair uses where they are complementary to the original work and where the merchandise fills a gap created by market failure.
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